Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [modal v] probably " in BNC.

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1 Most non-owners who want to ride go to their local riding school which can vary from being a top class training establishment with excellent facilities , where you will probably pay accordingly , or a small set-up with few mod cons .
2 As one who was so instrumental in mapping out the future promise of early Smiths , his quote ‘ If you asked me to write something about The Smiths now it would probably be critical ’ , remained interesting .
3 The child who uses goed or comed is guilty of over-generalisation , while in sign the use of repetition to convey occurrence over a long time would be appropriate in WAIT-WAIT-WAIT , meaning ‘ wait for ages ’ but not in KEEP-KEEP-KEEP , where it would probably mean to ‘ keep three ’ things rather than to ‘ keep over time ’ .
4 " Well , I 'll do it for you , Hazel , although I 'll probably get my head bitten off .
5 That 's just me it 's that if your first name , although I 'll probably cross that out .
6 There 's another one there next week so I 'll probably be there again .
7 I 'd like to start somewhere not too much in the public eye , because it takes the pressure off , so I 'll probably go to Argentina or somewhere like that , do some rehearsals and some gigs and see what transpires . ’
8 I 'm coming from LS6 that morning with a mate so I 'll probably try for the Adelphi for lunch-time .
9 It 's only just up the road , so I 'll probably be back soon . ’
10 ‘ Of course not ! ’ she replied , and even found a cheerful note from somewhere to add lightly , ‘ I ate a huge meal at lunchtime , so I 'll probably have a snack sent up , ’ and , making for her room before her emotions tripped her up , ‘ You 've been more than kind as it is .
11 ‘ It 's so difficult to remember , but I 've said this before , so I 'll probably have to stick to it . ’
12 I might be going swimming at lunchtime today so I could probably run up there or put it in the post if I go .
13 ‘ I still love rugby so I will probably attempt to play a game .
14 I do n't think my customer 's although you 'll probably hear all the bits in between .
15 Dalgliesh remembered her whispered confidence to Theresa in the car , the child 's intent face and brief transforming smile , and thought that she understood one child at least far better than she would probably claim .
16 Riding to help out usually gives you rides on a better horse than you would probably find at an average riding school and without the expense !
17 They also do n't like wind rock so in a , an exposed position young plants do really need more staking than you 'd probably give a bush because they tend to rot off at the roots if they grow around a lot .
18 Ruth 's books , so she 'll probably know all them
19 You may even have grandchildren by that stage and so you 'll probably want to help them .
20 that 's right , so you 'll probably only just seeing
21 is it , they 're gon na take this to playschool so you 'll probably see it down there , they do n't decide to keep them anyway , there 's the other one there
22 OK , so you 'd probably end up getting gunned down by the SAS or something , but that 's got to be a better end for a bunch of real rock terrorists than ending up as a Levi 's advert .
23 If you came to this country after 1948 as an adult , your working life still started at 16 , so you will probably have a reduced pension .
24 The ball runs a long way so you will probably get the distance you require .
25 Except she 'd probably freeze without it .
26 ‘ If it is full steam ahead for next year , I 'd predict that it wo n't be a marathon slog , although we 'll probably try to do as many countries as possible .
27 Although one would probably incline pragmatically to the former interpretation in sentence 3 and to the latter interpretation in sentence 4 , the context could easily override these preferences — most obviously , perhaps , in the case of the president being a woman .
28 The way we look at it is , there 's people out there want to kill me , and the authorities let you in here and give you access to more than we will probably ever get .
29 by next Christmas we will have made even more changes to the house , so we 'll probably adapt the decorations to suit
30 Ron will be back tonight , so we 'll probably go out for a couple of pints .
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