Example sentences of "[subord] [art] [noun] gave " in BNC.

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1 I know of one pub where the licensee gave out cards to the people he wanted to let in , ’ said Coun Cussins .
2 Pa bought it at Faversham market where the man gave it away for ten pounds .
3 Upside-down canoes , red , blue , yellow and green , lay in a neat line near where the beach gave way to the majestic rocks that , except for a narrow opening , closed off the cove from the main part of Okanagan Lake .
4 Gone is the wide fast road and its dangerous crossing , where the stripes gave walkers a false sense of security .
5 Where the clays gave way to the lighter soils of the Stone Belt , considerable areas of mixed farming remained .
6 Thus , on the facts of the Dodds case , where a landlord gave notice of termination of a tenancy of business premises under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 on the 30 September 1978 , the ‘ four month ’ period during which the tenant had a right to apply for a new tenancy expired at midnight on 30 January , and so his application made on 31 January 1979 was invalid as being out of time .
7 in a beautiful valley where a kloof gave abundant water .
8 As a consequence most of the new streets of working-class houses were built on land that presented difficult drainage problems ( not that anyone except the victims gave much thought to this ) , and the sanitary conditions soon became appalling .
9 Than the shops gave place to boarding houses and the hill began ; it was a twin of the one he had come down from the car park .
10 He wanted you to sell more milk than the cows gave !
11 Although the merger gave them the chance to start Andy claims they could ‘ never ’ have done it without it — the recession has taken clients and exposure has been ‘ painful ’ on occasions .
12 Although the merger gave Roh control of 216 of the 299 seats in the National Assembly it provoked widespread resentment on the grounds that it effectively removed the elected opposition .
13 ‘ … so the doctor gave him some pills , ’ Martin said , ‘ and when he woke up in the middle of the night there was a beautiful girl on his bed … diaphanous nightie , trailing blonde hair , the lot … ’
14 Once the dealer gave his number under these circumstances , he was submitting to the client 's own terms , letting him off the hook .
15 The staff and right leg propelled me for forty yards until the leg gave way and the injured one , without a thought , took the strain and I ended up on my hands and knees ranting and raving .
16 Every time anyone made a threatening move , the Hare-woman hauled Jinny to her feet and pointed the gun at her head until the person gave way and retreated .
17 The seriousness of the revolt was evidenced by the fact that Soapy Simon , an arch-appeaser who wanted above everything to be liked , had become their spokesman and had let them cram into his room and sit it out ( with a break for dinner at the Savoy , of course ) until the PM gave his answer .
18 responsible for er , I never realized until the witness gave evidence , the last witness that there were different additions
19 Trade union leader Bakary Karambo and lawyer and leading human rights activist Demba Diallo , responded by calling for an immediate , indefinite general strike until the UDPN gave up power .
20 In a third shop I was moderately interested in one particular model until the assistant gave me a global price for a computer , printer and so on .
21 He points out that if the council gave 100pc rate relief , 25pc of the cost would have to be borne by council tax payers in the town .
22 He says that if the council gave 100% rate relief , 25% would have to be borne by tax payers£39,195 this year .
23 I 've heard them say if the owners gave them their fare home from Lowestoft to Darsham , that 's all they had .
24 Would it not help if the board gave a written assurance to the people who 've been complaining here that they will meet them on any occasion to discuss the problem in writing please because from Brenda it appears that it just does not happen .
25 Greenpeace executive director Lord Melchett said that if the government gave the go-ahead without calling a public inquiry , Greenpeace would return to the courts to seek a second judicial review " with our right to do so already established " .
26 In developing theories of crime this would not necessarily be important if the figures gave a representative sample of crime and criminals .
27 If the Gospels gave a moral truth already known by reason , this would verify the Gospels , not our reason .
28 It would bring joy to millions of people if the Royals gave up bloodsports .
29 Thus , if the decision gave its reasons or calculations , and there were obvious errors in them , the decision could be set aside .
30 If the House gave no such indication until it actual threw a Bill out , or voted down the government on some other major issue , governments would fall with much greater regularity .
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