Example sentences of "[vb mod] n't be late " in BNC.

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1 Must n't be late for school . ’
2 ‘ I must n't be late again . ’
3 There 's a nurses ’ meeting at the church this afternoon and I must n't be late , ’ she said quickly .
4 Flushed and triumphant after this orgy of extravagance , they left the store at last , keeping an eye on the time because Mabel must n't be late with the boys ' tea whatever happened and then they had a long , annoying wait at the bus-stop .
5 Must n't be late home , said her teacher , off you pop .
6 We must n't be late for our appointment . ’
7 I must n't be late .
8 Should n't be late .
9 ‘ We told Mum we would n't be late and it 's getting dark , ’ I mumbled .
10 No he said I would n't be late .
11 ‘ I ca n't be late , ’ said Hermione dutifully , ‘ I really have got that gruesome geography project to hand in .
12 ‘ I ca n't be late for work , ’ Richard said .
13 Ca n't be late for my last day with the Forestry .
14 ‘ I wo n't be late . ’
15 " I wo n't be late , " he said and it took her a moment to remember that they were speaking of Miss Dallam 's wedding-breakfast .
16 So I 'll meet you tomorrow at Victoria , then , and do n't worry — I wo n't be late and everything will be in order .
17 You wo n't be late even if you insist on walking into town rather than accept a lift off me .
18 It was n't going to leave until half past three , four o'clock , he would 've arrived at fishing at half past five , he 's gon na be late , unless he does very well very quickly , then he wo n't be late .
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