Example sentences of "[vb mod] not otherwise have " in BNC.

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1 There is no one better at persuading people to do things they might not otherwise have been inclined to do .
2 However , the confidence and sense of involvement that came out of the meetings ensured that all the men in the group were actually present at the birth of their child , and this might not otherwise have been the case .
3 You can also use this idea for other photographs that you might not otherwise have put out on display .
4 At the same time , the adventure had also proved immensely informative , uncovering vast tracts of our civilisation 's past — and not just biblical — which we and our readers might not otherwise have had occasion to explore .
5 Bobby Hunt was one who accompanied Minton on his weekly tour of the galleries and who found himself reading books he might not otherwise have read .
6 However , this did serve to advertise the industry , create excitement , and generate a lot of early bookings that might not otherwise have come forward .
7 That 's something Friends of the Earth agrees with : ‘ It concerns us that recently a lot of proposals for courses have luxury houses or hotels with them , getting permission to put buildings where they might not otherwise have been . ’
8 But what I have learned is absolutely clear , which it might not otherwise have been . ’
9 The acquisition of wrappers by him was , at least in many cases , of direct benefit to the Nestle Co. , and required expenditure by the acquirer which he might not otherwise have incurred .
10 Importantly , too , the use of a high style allowed Milton a voice he might not otherwise have achieved during the Restoration .
11 an opportunity to tackle a problem or task which they might not otherwise have the time or resources to take on ;
12 This was important , as in some stretches of the river Mr Cook 's customers might not otherwise have benefited from the remarkable views he had promised them .
13 They were thus encouraged to stay long when they might not otherwise have done so .
14 The project coordinator Sue Torrance believes this would be a serious loss to the local community , for it has reached people who might not otherwise have received help .
15 Stephen refers to a crime being excusable if the defendant can show as one of the requisites that what was done was done to avoid a consequence which could not otherwise have been avoided , and which , if not done , would have inflicted harm on him or on others he was bound to protect .
16 It could not otherwise have achieved its conciliatory aim .
17 ‘ Now if the defendants were bound to charge the plaintiff for the carriage of his goods a less sum , and they refused to carry them except upon payment of a greater sum , as he was compelled to pay the amount demanded , and could not otherwise have his goods carried , the case falls within the principle of several decided cases , in which it has been held that money which a party has been wrongfully compelled to pay under circumstances in which he was unable to resist the imposition , may be recovered back in an action for money had and received .
18 In a footnote to an observation made in Mull , Boswell writes , ‘ It is no small satisfaction to me to reflect , that Dr Johnson read this , and , after being apprised of my intention , communicated to me , at subsequent periods , many particulars of his life , which probably could not otherwise have been preserved . ’
19 But unions were in fact composed of and certainly led by such men , though the bourgeois mythology saw them as mobs of the stupid and misled , instigated by agitators who could not otherwise have earned a comfortable living .
20 ‘ The fire had the effect of attracting ministerial attention to Hampton Court in a way that would not otherwise have happened , ’ said Genie Turton , under-secretary at the Department of the Environment .
21 In such circumstances , the new Kinnock approach — as long as he can show that it is not irredeemably inflationary — might appear quite attractive to people who would not otherwise have considered voting Labour .
22 When this happens , cells do things they would not otherwise have done , presumably because , after amputation , they find themselves in a changed environment .
23 If you take any wild animal and keep it in captivity ( I would have to say most wild animals ; some insects might be taken into captivity without any suffering , but if you take vertebrates into captivity there is certainly going to be suffering ) , sometimes the animals will die very quickly after being brought into captivity , and again there is often an effect on the functioning of the immune system because they often succumb to diseases which would not otherwise have killed them .
24 Displays of three-dimensional materials can give opportunities to handle and explore interesting objects which pupils would not otherwise have the chance to examine , as well as more commonly found ones .
25 The irony , of course , is that since a considerable proportion of these were bred for the purpose , a large number of animals would not otherwise have lived were they not destined to die prematurely .
26 As autonomous actors we create and modify the social world , bringing about events and states of affairs which would not otherwise have occurred .
27 Thus large companies and boards of nationalised industries were provided with enormous financial assistance enabling ( or rather persuading ) them to base their reorganisation on designated development areas which in many cases they would not otherwise have chosen , for reasons of both private and public benefit when judged over the longer run [ Knight , 1974 ; Moore and Rhodes , 1973 ] .
28 It is very clever and shows journeys and interchanges you would not otherwise have thought of . ’
29 There are now tens of thousands of children playing who would not otherwise have played tennis .
30 It was the last , far more trivial act , that led to his execution , rather than the brutal killing which would not otherwise have attracted the death penalty .
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