Example sentences of "[vb mod] come to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Once this alienation had set in , it was inevitable that , as in our day , the loved one should come to be regarded — at least by the conscious mind — as no more than a body to be disposed of as quickly and hygienically as possible .
2 So we recommend that advance notification of commission should come to be accepted as good trading practice .
3 Once the Bible began to be approached as historical material , open to critical historical study , it was natural that the New Testament , and in particular the life and personality of Jesus himself , should come to be re-examined .
4 Both have some idea of how reality might come to be perceived as the other perceives it , and both perhaps at times experience in themselves , as an exception what the other experiences as a rule — a life of faith diversified by doubt , or one of doubt diversified by faith .
5 Yet not only could such a rearrangement be brought about , with the will to do so , but it might come to be seen as greatly to the general advantage of the school .
6 If partnerships find the case proven they should consider how the tensions towards fragmentation might be reduced and how they might come to be a better understanding of the responsibilities and common commitments which are essential in any decentralised organisation .
7 Against this we have to set the disadvantage that re-investigation might come to be considered as a disciplinary review .
8 By creating a mode of Repertory Grid Technique specific to visual art and making it available through the personal computer , this area full of complexity and uncertainty might come to be both better understood and more widely valued .
9 Biochemical and genetic influences might come to be better understood in dynamic balance or imbalance with each other , and with others — social , cultural , spiritual and cosmological .
10 There was something mysterious about him and she wanted to ask so many questions , but he had that locked-in look , so that even if she risked Salt 's caustic tongue and asked outright about how he 'd come to be a slave , what it was like in Jamaica , if Africa was full of cannibals and if he 'd eaten people , she 'd probably get no more than a few shrugs for answers .
11 This he did with difficulty , partly on account of his bad eyesight , partly because of what in later years would come to be referred to as ‘ a learning disability ’ or ‘ mild dyslexia ’ ; and partly because he simply was n't much of a reader .
12 The fact that Balboa caused the Ocean to become a Spanish lake , in effect , would come to be recognized as one of the most important stratagems in the development of the modern world .
13 With the evolutionarily intrusive possibility of linguistic deceit , as opposed to mere malfunction of communication , communicative exchanges would then come to be understood as having truth as their aim ; and the Gricean template would come to be true of the pursuit of those aims .
14 Eventually the Orcs sent to the east for reinforcements , and a huge Orc army headed up towards the Black Fire Pass from the Badlands , which in those days encompassed the whole of the area which would come to be known as the Border Princes .
15 And since the master-manufacturer also financed the provision of land , buildings , machinery and equipment he was — or had been — also what would come to be called a capitalist .
16 But McNab continued as he always had , grave and rather lugubrious , knowing that given time , the " cholera cloud " would move on , too , and that his own view would come to be accepted but this would only happen imperceptibly and not , perhaps , like a cloud passing , but more in the way that sediment settles in a glass of muddy water .
17 But this progression will not continue indefinitely until punishment disappears ; on the contrary , Durkheim predicted that the tendency would reverse , and less serious crimes against the person would come to be criminalized .
18 The hope was that the assembly would come to be accepted by both religious groups ; unanimity was not possible but the objective was to achieve a fairly broad consensus .
19 The Local Management of Schools was due to be introduced from 1990 and the Conservative group in had the foresight to see that if the scheme was given a fair wind , and the full support of the Council , it would come to be recognised as one of the greatest reforms of education .
20 In serving the interest of some rather than all , the 1988 Education Reform Act may come to be judged as an impediment to the creation of that equality of outcomes so long seen as an essential right of all citizens .
21 If this issue is not addressed , NT may come to be viewed as an American English system .
22 How McDougall Topped the Score is another classic included , and in time Paul Kelly 's long ( 7.245 ) Bradman may come to be regarded as such .
23 Time-sociology ( or chronosociology as it may come to be called ) has many dimensions to it .
24 The market in the countries of the CU may come to be dominated by producers in one of them .
25 But perhaps it will come to be thought by his readers that these successive attitudes to the autobiographical , and to plain speaking , in art are equally valid , equally reversible .
26 As tribal culture weakens , status and power will come to be less connected with an outward demonstration of wealth , and this may pave the way for a more powerful generation of entrepreneurs as specific commercial objectives come to supersede those of status .
27 And in any case the dominating class will come to be internally differentiated , and will necessarily exhibit features of class stratification .
28 Mr Wriglesworth added : ‘ I have no doubt that this election will come to be seen as the key to the recovery from the worst recession in the housing market since the Second World War .
29 The development of citizenship in the 1990s will no doubt continue to occupy the attention of politicians , and increasingly it will come to be debated by citizens , particularly as it enters the national curriculum .
30 Prior exposure to the context will produce latent inhibition of the contextual stimuli themselves ( they will come to be reliably predicted by those cues that signal the start of an experimental session ) and so the context — stimulus association will form only slowly , if at all , when presentations of the target stimulus are begun .
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