Example sentences of "[vb mod] just see the " in BNC.

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1 You should just see the town , Anne .
2 ‘ What happens is that maybe I 'll just see the shape of some chords , or where my fingers should be on the frets .
3 Well I 'll just see the first part of Eastenders if I can cos I 've seen the second part .
4 Within a day or two it appeared that a complete South African team would be fielded and Treviso might just see the start of rugby 's World War III .
5 The fabric was so delicate that if she wore it without a brassiere you could just see the outline of her nipples .
6 ‘ If I could just see the Master I could explain to him .
7 Between the block and the house you could just see the walls of the walled garden , flint-built , crossed and coped with brick-work .
8 He could just see the top of his mother 's head , right at the front …
9 Beyond the wild-tangle of flowers I could just see the upper storey of the house , grey stone with tall sashed windows and a roof of grey slate with its unsmoking chimney stacks .
10 We could just see the hazy point where , in that August of 1883 , the Dutch administrator of south Sumatra and his family had observed the tidal wave rise inexorably 150 feet right up to the veranda of his residence , pause , and withdraw again , taking some of his flowerpots , half the hillside , and the entire town with its population of some 800 people .
11 From the window of the dining-room Conradin could just see the door of the shed .
12 Except that the mattress had smelt musty , and that as they lay in bed through those long cold mornings they could just see the spire of the Congregational church through the window .
13 Behind them , he could just see the small wooden houses and the deep green leaves of the coconut trees , which were moving lazily in the soft afternoon wind .
14 She was mostly turned away from him ; he could just see the curve of her cheek , the line of her nose , and as he watched she put her head down very slightly .
15 The tide was already on the turn , you could just see the stone margin of the path they had walked .
16 They could just see the Maggon Mountains to the West .
17 She could just see the mute grey head from the deckchair under the tree .
18 She could just see the raised eyebrows , the exchange of bemused glances , and the shrugs which said , So what ? before they politely but firmly showed her the door .
19 The noise became louder and he could just see the outline of a lorry .
20 But luckily enough I got up and walked round the back and I could just see the lights on in the living room downstairs .
21 Marie turns to look at me , and I can just see the light shining off her eyes .
22 It 's up the side of the platform — I can just see the light over the door from where I 'm standing .
23 You can just see the kiosk , look , right along there . ’
24 I can just see the headlines — RUMMIDGE FIRM SLAMS DOOR ON RED ROBYN .
25 I can just see the Waste , or rather I think it must be the Waste , for there 's a tower there and it 's bare of trees .
26 ‘ If I can just see the baby . ’
27 But I can just see the Sun headline , a fitting follow up to ‘ Paddy Pants-down ’ , to wit : ‘ Is Neil A Nancy Boyo ? ’
28 If you look closely at L'Escargot by Matisse in the Tate Gallery you can just see the pencil marks round the collage pieces .
29 Under ideal conditions I can just see the components separately with 20 × 70 binoculars , but I am not confident that I can do so with any lower magnification .
30 Bird watchers would thoroughly enjoy the unvisited lake at Carambolim , from which you can just see the spires of old Goa .
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