Example sentences of "[vb mod] have implications [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Finally she returns to her original distinction between female , feminine and feminist , and suggests how the relation between them might have implications for possible developments in the practice of philosophy .
2 This might have implications for the many companies which import computers made outside the European Community especially the " clone " importers who affix their own name to the equipment .
3 Any significant differences could have implications for the selection of advertising media/overall marketing mix in each country .
4 This could have implications for engineers using changes in the sound of vibrating components to check for cracks and fractures .
5 The extent to which this potential is developed could have implications for other clients and for developing anti-discriminatory practice .
6 This split in expert opinion could have implications for ratings in other countries such as France , where state support for the banking system has often been more explicit than elsewhere .
7 This finding could have implications for the regulation of gastric acid secretion in normal and pathological states in man .
8 This effect may also induce a European sense of identity among the citizens of the member states , and this could have implications for some of the cultural barriers to free movement .
9 According to Friends of the Earth , the outcome of the case could have implications for at least five of the 161 SSSIs threatened by road schemes .
10 ‘ It could have implications on our tour of Sri Lanka , ’ admitted TCCB chief executive Alan Smith .
11 Article 17 — the provision of aid to assist joint investment schemes by farmers for fodder production and for ‘ the improvement and equipping of pastures ’ , perhaps also drainage — could have implications in the LFAs in the UK but the existing , very similar provisions have not been widely taken up .
12 ‘ Together with reported delays last year on international contracts , this may have implications for profits in the current year , ’ the report said .
13 In rainforest regions , deforestation is the major agent of environmental change and while it has obvious localised effects , especially in relation to soil erosion and soil degradation , there is growing concern that such large-scale destruction of biomass may have implications for climatic change ( section 5.3.1 ) .
14 Nevertheless , the breaches of these rules may have implications for the financial statements or other aspects of the auditor 's regular reporting responsibilities , and therefore some enquiry in these areas is needed as part of the audit .
15 On many occasions assessments will be carried out because it is suspected that a child is experiencing some difficulty with linguistic communication , or because there are other areas of functioning in which the child is having difficulty which may have implications for language development .
16 It may have implications for social policy , but this is not the prime purpose .
17 These findings in guinea pigs may have implications for human respiratory pathology .
18 In practical terms this concern is relevant only where supervising and senior staff in the agency may learn about a pollution ; by definition these are cases which the agency regards as important , in particular , those which may have implications for the agency 's public reputation .
19 This may have implications for the effectiveness of pre-emptive analgesia in surgery for previously painful conditions .
20 After more than 30 years ' work at Wharram Percy , it is possible to give a general account of what happened on the site , and , in view of the detailed work there , this may have implications for studies elsewhere .
21 The definition of price stickiness which we shall employ in this section does not in fact alter very much the policy implications of the model developed in the previous chapter , although it may have implications for the test of that model .
22 Bearing in mind that encouraging answer , may I ask whether the Minister considers that the worsening drought in southern Africa may have implications for the process of democracy in Africa ?
23 This may have implications for the future consultation of theses , as described in Chapter 4 .
24 Although a CU may have implications for both internal and external economies of scale , the emphasis is normally placed upon the technical aspect of internal economies .
25 Alright , if products are competing , alright , say like wheat and barley , they , they could be , termed competing products in supply , so if the price of barley went up , erm , that may have implications on the amount of output of wheat produced .
26 Supervisors would need to consider the validity of such explanations : where scrutiny of a number of schedules showed avoidance of particular areas to be common , this would have implications for agency policy and staff training .
27 This would make it harder for me to make changes ; and it would have implications for the responsibilities of Departmental Ministers since Select Committees would try to summon the Chairman of Cabinet Committees to give evidence in addition to the responsible Minister .
28 The project is primarily concerned with human psychology , but it will have implications towards the building of intelligent artificial systems and the improvement of man-machine interaction in the use of present day computer systems .
29 Further afield , we need to recognize that some disasters ( most obviously Chernobyl ) will have implications for more than one country so that environmental monitoring should take place with some kind of international co-ordination .
30 It has to be clearly understood that whether LMS or GMS there is inevitably going to be a change in the existing relationships at all levels ; this will have implications for where differing and changed levels of power will lie .
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