Example sentences of "[vb mod] i say [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ To all those who have felt upset and disturbed by my stupid actions , may I say I am sorry . ’
2 How many times must I say it before it sinks in ? ’
3 How many times must I say it ? ’
4 Because of a combination of so many unknowns , we , or should I say they — Pete and Dick did all the work , I just made the bikes — made a total cock-up of ability and distance .
5 Or should I say you need my help .
6 What could I say it was like ?
7 Erm two little doors at the Well it 's just kind of the shape of What could I say it 's the shape of ?
8 And the candlestick is beautiful — dare I say we 've been lusting after just such a one for ages , and now we can enjoy your gift .
9 Dare I say we 've finished !
10 A far better story and , dare I say it , a more Christian understanding ‘ comes from my second illustration .
11 Finally , you are looking to see that you are getting value for money , and getting what you are paying for — area of land , size of rooms , and ( dare I say it ? ) good neighbours .
12 Dare I say it , it is like the Church .
13 Of course some of Our Guild Members are dare I say it just that wee bit narrow minded .
14 Dare I say it ?
15 However , I do n't think it blends that well with the body shape : maybe a reverse idea would have suited better — or even , dare I say it , a rounded-off affair .
16 On a daily basis the objectives are to ‘ make sure that the investments or companies are progressing according to plan and are well placed to survive a prolonged recession ’ and , he adds , ‘ dare I say it , to benefit from the upturn when it comes ’ .
17 In actual fact , I got nothing but support , encouragement and — dare I say it ? — love from my colleagues .
18 You may , dare I say it , need the money .
19 Created out of personal knowledge and friendship with most of the players he writes about , Bellamy makes full use of his uncanny anecdotal memory which enlivens an already creative rhetoric about no fewer than 30 great champions of yesterday , today and — dare I say it — tomorrow .
20 Oh , and anyone with continuing misgivings about their Sid The Sexist humour may be relieved to know that the post-gig conversation is only punctuated by one harmless knob joke , which is — dare I say it — quite funny .
21 Dare I say it , but they are truly leadership products — with their 96 MIPS desktop system being offered locally at just $35,000 , ’ said Ashton .
22 If America has indeed ruptured its soul tradition with a sanitized , easy listening — dare I say it — imitation soul , it seems ironic , but nonetheless welcome , that tomorrow 's soul legends may hail from Britain 's musical melting pot — where the young bloods are , to misquote James Brown , ‘ talkin' loud and sayin' something ’ .
23 Dohnányi , dare I say it , is merely bland .
24 I I do n't think I mean , to me it 's a bit like , dare I say it , pandering to , other outside forces .
25 What if someone could undergo that absorption with a cool … dare I say it ? … scientific rationale .
26 She finds actors particularly good to paint , partly because of — ‘ dare I say it ? ’ — vanity .
27 And maybe , dare I say it ?
28 We 're gon na have a surplus of organizers and , dare I say it , one of the General Secretaries is gon na be made redundant .
29 Have you had a copy of , dare I say it , the tabulation which was produced by the panel , which summarized the various er submissions , and if I just read them to you .
30 When the British Academy gives scholarships for methodological research and applications as well as for historical inquiries of a more familiar kind , when universities begin to make appointments in humanities computing or , dare I say it , even in history and computing , then , it seems to me , we will be in a better position to bemoan our inability to secure more in the way of government and private funding .
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