Example sentences of "[vb mod] be enough for " in BNC.

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1 A new budget of £1,500 for the next six months should be enough for local advertising .
2 At the current rate of use of some 1.5 x 10 12 cubic metres per year , this should be enough for another 50 years or so .
3 That should be enough for you . ’
4 The worksheets themselves are organized into Notebooks which contain 257 pages each ( which should be enough for most mortals ) .
5 And for a first course all you will need is either the broth from the pot-au-feu , which will have a very fine flavour and which you can thicken if you like with a little rice — there should be enough for seven or eight people — or perhaps a dish of mussels , or a light fish soup .
6 He had wanted a male grandchild and he had got a male grandchild ; that should be enough for everybody … [ 18 ] The good news therefore was doubly welcome and caused as much delight at Elmhurst as dismay in Woburn Square , where the John Pontifexes were then living .
7 Here , indeed , this freak of fortune was felt to be all the more cruel on account of the impossibility of resenting it openly ; but the delighted grandfather cared nothing for what the John Pontifexes might feel or might not feel ; he had wanted a grandson and he had got a grandson ; this should be enough for everybody …
8 But the five free 16-bit slots should be enough for most people .
9 A 40MByte drive should be enough for nothing but spreadsheets and a little word processing .
10 Manufacturers publish tables showing the different sizes of guttering which should be used for different sizes of house but , as a rule of thumb , 100mm ( 4in ) or 112mm ( 4½in ) guttering with 68 or 69mm ( 2¾in ) downpipe , which will cope with 110 sq m of effective roof with a central downpipe ( or 55 sq m with an end pipe ) , should be enough for all but the largest houses .
11 The watch Arnold Bros ( est. 1905 ) maintains should be enough for humble nomes ! ’
12 There should be enough for one per family .
13 When she knew her daughter was out of the room , and still with the poker in her hand , Peggy took a step towards him , saying , ‘ Well , that should be enough for you , should n't it ? enough proof .
14 A satisfactory duration period depends on the size of your LIFESPAN database but an 8 hour period should be enough for an average sized database .
15 Glentoran had their chances — good ones — but did n't convert them and now face a battle to make the quarter finals ; Portadown 's disciplined display today should be enough for them .
16 Those given in the section ‘ Suggestion for further reading ’ should be enough for most readers ; the same is true for sociolinguistics , but I feel that any reading beyond basic introductory material ought to include some work by Labov , whose influence on the subject has been profound .
17 One dog might be enough for one man , but others like more . ’
18 In peaceful times this levy might be enough for policing the Papal State , but to stave off imperial claims Innocent used paid troops and relied heavily on diplomatic manoeuvres to gain the support of allies .
19 But though this hope might be enough for some who were actually to lift themselves out of the working class , and perhaps also for a greater number who never got beyond dreaming of success as they read Samuel Smiles 's Self-Help ( 1859 ) or similar handbooks , it was perfectly evident that most workers would remain workers all their lives , and indeed that the economic system required them to do so .
20 Make it midday ; that 'll be enough for us .
21 Even a picture measuring 30 × 25cm ( 12 × 10in ) , which is large enough to display quite a few flowers and takes a fair amount of skill , would only need a backing 30cm ( 12in ) square , so ½m ( ½yd ) of material could be enough for about eight pictures , depending on the width of the material .
22 Two ties may be enough for a 3ft ( 0.9m ) stem , a 4 or 5ft ( 1.2 or 1.5m ) stem will require three , and maybe even a fourth if you also need to pull in a bent stem so that it can be held straight to grow out of its misshapen state gradually .
23 A sketch with a few rough dimensions may be enough for a man to trim some timber into a frame for a house .
24 It may be enough for an investment trust to tempt investors by describing the opportunity area in broad terms , and inasmuch as this temptation continues to work then the early investors can sell out at a profit to the later ones .
25 The House of Lords disagreed and it is now the law that it may be enough for the transaction to contain an element of bounty if it is of the kind conferred by the exercise of a special power of appointment .
26 While Benjamin Dale , the composer , or Leigh Henry , the critic , lectured on Stravinsky and Schoenberg ( in 1915 ! ) , two companies of music-hall artists competed with Legs and the Woman ( the title after Shaw … ) and with the camp 's first ragtime chorus in drag : Down in Ruhleben , there I want to be , Four thousand boys would be enough for me !
27 All this , you might think , would be enough for any playwright but , with reckless abandon , Shadwell keeps flinging further ingredients into his rich comic stew .
28 That would be enough for most people , but in October South Africa play nine matches in France and follow that with four matches in England .
29 Balancing 40 tons of liquid metal above your head would be enough for anyone .
30 But then I do n't suppose that would be enough for you , and after all this is Boy 's story mostly , he is after all in a proper sense my hero , and you have to have this Boy clearly in your mind before we can proceed .
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