Example sentences of "[vb mod] remain [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 Rejecting a federalized party , he asserted that the CPSU should remain unified in order to be true to Lenin 's concept of an internationalist party acting as a force to cement the multinational Soviet state .
2 He studied how seeds could be carried in the mud clinging to the feet of birds , and also experimented on how long seeds could remain immersed in salt water and still be fertile .
3 That moment when she had seen him standing on the jetty , a tall dark figure against the bright sun , would remain locked in her memory foever .
4 ‘ Were the Conservatives to remain in office , that money would remain buried in the bank vaults , unable to benefit the people of our town . ’
5 In this case , goods were sold subject to a retention of title clause ( condition 8:1 of the contract ) which provided : Title of each item of goods sold or agreed to be sold shall remain vested in the Company [ ie the sellers ] until the full purchase price and all additional charges relating to that item and all and any other monies for the time being owing by the customer [ ie the buyers ] to the Company shall have been paid in full to the customer ( and all products into which such items held by the customer ) ( and all products into which such items come to be converted or incorporated ) shall be and remain the property of the Company and shall be held by the customer as trustee for the Company but with liberty for the customer to pass title as the Company 's agent on its own account ( but subject to 8.2 below ) bona fide for full value in the normal course of the customer 's trading .
6 But the journey , which coincides in part with the Pennine Way , will remain etched in the memory .
7 Wynne Godley has been consistently the gloomiest economist operating in Britain , believing that the UK economy is suffering from severe structural weaknesses , and it will remain locked in a low growth and high unemployment pattern for years .
8 Most of your fans though , will remain condemned in a lonely monologue with their distant idol …
9 Until that time , he will remain hidden in Mount Kyffhausen .
10 Synfuel production will remain concentrated in a relatively small number of countries .
11 When the parent is consciously or unconsciously seductive , and the child 's early fantasies are not mediated and finally renounced , the young person can remain fixated in love like the Brünnhildes and Queen Bees mentioned earlier in this chapter .
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