Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] draw between " in BNC.

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1 But , first , a distinction should be drawn between national grand strategy , Defence policy and current military strategy .
2 As regards board structure , the Proposal suggests that , for all public companies ( PLCs ) , whether or not their shares are listed or otherwise publicly traded , a distinction should be drawn between directors responsible for ‘ supervision ’ on the one hand and ‘ management ’ on the other .
3 Mittler and Mittler ( 1982 ) make a similar point when they argue that a clear distinction should be drawn between the concepts of ‘ partnership ’ and ‘ involvement ’ .
4 Perhaps , therefore , a distinction should be drawn between allowing oneself voluntarily , and where there is no danger to oneself , to be treated as a means to the satisfaction of someone else 's needs , and being treated as a means to the satisfaction of someone else 's desires .
5 A distinction should be drawn between the imposition of conditions under sections 12 and 14 , and a ban imposed under section 13 .
6 The stumbling block proved to be the issue of how and where the line should be drawn between the two degrees .
7 distinctions should be drawn between sole practitioners working on their own at home and those with assistant solicitors and a number of branch offices ;
8 a distinction should be drawn between sole practitioners handling client money and those who do not ( e.g. criminal legal aid practitioners ) to avoid the latter being penalised ; the Law Society should license sole practitioners to hold client money ;
9 distinction should be drawn between fraud and embezzlement and claims settled on different basis for each ;
10 In this latter regard , a distinction must be drawn between , on the one hand , Bills of general application — Public Bills , and Bills applying only to a particular area or person — Private Bills .
11 Editor , — We agree with Tony Hope and colleagues that a distinction must be drawn between decisions about which patients will benefit from an intervention and whether offering the intervention to them is an appropriate use of scarce resources .
12 A distinction must be drawn between cases where a criterion of reasonableness is contained in the statute and those where it is not .
13 A distinction must be drawn between chronic or handicapping conditions and temporary or minor maladies .
14 Burrows was no doubt thinking of the commercial contacts between England and Aquitaine , and the way in which at least a crude comparison might be drawn between English dealings with the greater nobility of Aquitaine — the Foix-Béarn , Armagnac , Albret , Comminges and so on — and British policy towards Indian princes .
15 A clearer demarcation might be drawn between the traditional subject headings lists and thesauri by the following summary of differences :
16 He said that ‘ the powers that be ’ had presented him with a summons and the Protestant people had presented him with that book and he thought a parallel could be drawn between the two .
17 Finally one might hope that some useful distinctions could be drawn between ‘ having a mental experience ’ and ‘ being aware of having such an experience ’ which seems much closer to our usual view of consciousness and must certainly be an emergent property in evolution .
18 If he were tempted to decide against Mrs. McLoughlin , he would indeed ask himself whether any principled distinction could be drawn between her case and the case of mothers who recover for emotional damage suffered at the scene .
19 The final point to be made is that in Re G ( a minor ) 1988 ( A11 FR p. 7(15) the House of Lords upheld the argument that adoption orders can be made with access but that these should only be made in exceptional circumstances although a distinction may be drawn between the position of birth parents and other relatives .
20 A further conceptual distinction may be drawn between ‘ comparative ’ industrial relations , and ‘ international ’ and ‘ foreign ’ studies within the field .
21 What parallels may be drawn between royal prerogative and parliamentary privilege ?
22 Moreover , distinctions may be drawn between ordinary shares , ranking equally as regards financial participation , by dividing them nevertheless into separate classes with different voting rights .
23 Even those who have fully accepted the thesis that all varieties of animal , including man , had a common origin in remote geological time have still managed to believe that a clear-cut distinction may be drawn between the culture of man and the mechanistic responses which we can observe in the interaction processes of other animals .
24 A further contrast , as I have indicated , may be drawn between the political systems of ‘ developed ’ and ‘ underdeveloped ’ societies , often in terms of the instability of the latter as compared with the former ( Huntington , 1968 ) ; an instability which manifests itself partly in the frequency of military coups and the prevalence of military regimes in the non-industrial countries .
25 One of the great distinctions that can be drawn between football culture in Scotland and England is in the public 's attitude to heroes .
26 The relationships between the Variscides of Europe and the Appalachians of North America — and indeed between parts of the Appalachian province itself — are still a subject for controversy at a detailed level ( see Dewey 1982 ; Rast 1984 ; also several papers in Hutton and Sanderson 1984 ) , but it seems that useful , if cautious , parallels can be drawn between the partly concealed Variscides of Europe ( including southern England ) and the well exposed and much studied southern Appalachians ( Fig. 1 ) .
27 A close analogy can be drawn between cancer of the cell and a society hooked on drugs .
28 Parkin agrees with Marxists on one point , that no distinction can be drawn between state power and class power in liberal democracies .
29 I will also seek to show how many parallels can be drawn between the arguments used to legitimate corporate managerial power and the arguments used in administrative law to explain , control and legitimate the power conferred upon administrative bodies .
30 A bald statement that the exercise of public functions may be challenged by judicial review does not , however , tell us all there is to know about the sort of decisions which are amenable to judicial review ; and so now we must consider a number of distinctions which can be drawn between types of public functions .
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