Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [prep] risk " in BNC.

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1 Like the ‘ bogeyman ’ used by mother to frighten her recalcitrant children into better behaviour , syphilis or ‘ the pox ’ is used by scaremongering educators to put the fear of God into those people they think might be at risk of catching VD .
2 This fellow , who must be the only , or almost the only , surviving person outside Japan who has been the target of a nuclear bomb , and who knows what it 's like for real ( as opposed to the criminally bone-headed fantasising about nuclear war indulged in by our sillier soldiers and politicians ) , was not only matter-of-fact about it all , as though it was the sort of thing that might have happened to anyone , but he actually admitted that he had never given a thought to the possibility that he might be at risk as a result of the radiation he undoubtedly suffered at the time until recent weeks when various busybodies brought the matter to his attention .
3 Landlord might be at risk financially , the subtenancy proposed being at a premium and a low rent .
4 The aim is to ensure that no patient is sent home to a situation where he might be at risk .
5 Where after they 've been born , they might have had delayed breathing , not breathed immediately , so that type of baby might be at risk .
6 He/she might be constrained by loyalty to ministers ; as a result , reputation and career might be at risk .
7 they they might be at risk .
8 Now you ca n't possibly test a medicine on ten thousand people before you start to sell it , so that sort of risk , as rare a risk as that , will only be picked up when the medicine has actually been in use and on the market and been properly prescribed for some years , and what we are doing now , and what is particularly interesting , is to start to use computers to pick up these adverse reactions so that we know much more quickly in future if a medicine is doing any harm and we can either stop prescribing it for the people who are going to suffer from it , and that 's the most likely thing , or else take it off the market altogether if it 's if we do n't if we ca n't pick out the people who might be at risk .
9 They did not so much as consider that their physical safety could be at risk .
10 Around 4,000 older homes could be at risk — the problem is to identify which concrete is about to crumble and which is sound .
11 Your home could be at risk if you do n't take some basic precautions — and not taking them now is giving a burglar an invitation for later .
12 If this is correct , any patient in hospital who is given a blood transfusion could be at risk if one of the donors of the blood carries the virus .
13 THE HEALTH of workers in some of the new biotechnology factories could be at risk if companies do not adhere strictly to safety guidelines to contain their creations .
14 Swimming is regarded as one of the best all-round forms of exercise , but a survey by the Institution of Environmental Health Officers shows you could be at risk from stomach upsets and skin rashes if you take a dip in dirty public swimming pools .
15 The move means 800 jobs at his contracting firm could be at risk .
16 You could be at risk of heart disease or other stress-related illness .
17 Although not defined under the Road Traffic Act it is considered that having regard to the spirit of the legislation that the definition used in other Acts would apply viz : Includes any place to which the public have access whether on payment or otherwise , e.g. fields where the public can park for a race meeting or traction engine rally , footpaths or bridleways ( unless the Act states otherwise : see section 22A ( 5 ) of the Road Traffic Act 1988 ) , or anywhere where the public could be at risk from mechanically propelled vehicles .
18 TWO youngsters who were strangled after warnings that they could be at risk were put on a council child protection register in June , it was revealed yesterday .
19 Humphrey and Haward , for example , warn that ‘ a female-dominated [ clinical psychological ] profession … could be at risk of losing status and momentum .
20 If that rough measure holds , and if the redesign does manage to save $8 billion over five years , 10,000 or more jobs could be at risk .
21 Remember that some patients will be more prone to hazards than others but that there may be occasions when all patients could be at risk .
22 It says that up to 50,000 jobs in the oil and gas industry onshore , and 5,000 offshore jobs could be at risk if the government decides to impose constraints upon the industry 's access to a free market .
23 Norfolk County Council has proposed a ban on coastal developments which could be at risk from sea level rises due to global warming .
24 The Japanese Association denounced the claims of the anti-driftnet lobby as emotional and unscientific. 10,000 Japanese jobs could be at risk from a ban , it said .
25 To this end , it has produced advertisements suggesting that more lives could be at risk if people switched to smaller cars .
26 Zoologists say the problem 's so bad native species could be at risk .
27 But there were fears that a town near the foot of Mt Galeras could be at risk .
28 But families who could be at risk say they at least deserve the benefit of the doubt .
29 New tests have shown that homes throughout an entire county could be at risk from the radioactive gas Radon .
30 Last week the Government warned that around 300 women who 'd been injected with a hormone called gonadotrophin , extracted from the pituitary glands of human corpses , could be at risk .
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