Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] [pron] far " in BNC.

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1 In my own relatively trivial example what struck me forcefully was the assumption that being born in Canada seemed to make me more ‘ one of us ’ in the Immigration Officer 's eyes than ‘ one of them ’ , despite the fact that , within terms of the European Community , being Irish should make me far more of an insider .
2 ‘ Miss Oliver will forget me in a month , and will probably marry someone who 'll make her far happier than I ever could ! ’
3 If you want to experiment at home , it 'll cost you far less than in a salon but you should get a friend to help put the rollers in to get perfectly even curls .
4 A full corona might tell him far more than he needed to know — so much that he would end up by knowing nothing precise at all .
5 Equally , a socialism which restricted itself solely to solving the problem of exploitation in the social relations of production , and failed to respond to these contradictions in culture , might find itself far less attractive-to an electorate , for example-than it envisaged .
6 Total absorption in his passion could submerge him far below the surface of mere time .
7 Well they found they could do it far better with a tractor and a mower .
8 She somebody has fenced it off , she says I could see them far enough , she said , we always had that bit for our camp and it was further down the glen .
9 They could hear it far ahead of them — a rasping , monotonous cough .
10 He made an arrangement which , he claimed , would make him far richer than generals and admirals who led armies and fleets , a Trust Deed by which his assets were assigned to Trustees who made all the payments to creditors on the lines of that set up for Emma Hamilton .
11 In addition , it would make us far less likely to eat for the wrong reasons .
12 It would do us far more honour if you could succeed in obtaining a post under some other great lord .
13 What other men might say or think was nothing to him ; his detachment would carry him far above earthly matters .
14 His life would take him far away from Bray 's Buildings as the years went by , searching for adventure on the high seas , visiting in reality places his parents could only have dreamed of .
15 So we have the nine daughters of Benjamin James Titford : three died young , one remained a spinster , three were Edwardian brides , two married during the early years of the reign of King George V. Their lives would take them far apart from each other and from Curry Rivel itself — yet they would remain a close-knit family , for all the physical distance which separated them .
16 It is tempting to delve further into the subject ; but I am afraid that it would take me far outside my main theme , and so , reluctantly , we must leave matters there .
17 We need to pay heed to the way he writes , for some commentators would lead us far astray .
18 It is sometimes salutary to imagine yourself selling your clients product from door to door when clarity and persuasion would help you far more than oratory .
19 Television programmes or books that make you laugh will do you far more good .
20 So death insurance , dread disease insurance , , go to much , will do it far better , just quicker .
21 That will give me far , far more pleasure than my money .
22 They are usually very , very helpful and will give you far more information than you will find in the ‘ search ’ documents .
23 But let me just tell you this ; self-pity will destroy you far more assuredly then Ryan could ever have done . ’
24 This month , strategy will serve you far better than brute force .
25 ‘ I fear the two of you will leave me far behind . ’
26 Simon Jenkins made the point forcefully : ‘ Go to any public meeting on an environmental issue and you will find it far better attended , with feelings running far higher , than any political meeting held in the same place . ’
27 You will find it far less expensive than if you let your account go ‘ in the red ’ without telling us .
28 I can enjoy them far better .
29 That was the interesting thing that said to Alistaire last night that a three column centimetres depending on which periodical it is or paper it 's in can do you far more good or damage than twenty at another .
30 I can understand them far better now than I did then .
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