Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Its heart beat may speed up or become weak , its breathing heavy and laboured , and it may eventually go into convulsions or start bleeding .
2 The last word on the relationship between his literary mode and that of realism may perhaps go to Professor Frank Kermode , who wrote :
3 We have come here to see the king and we must all go into the temple .
4 I 'd always understood that land should only go into the greenbelt if it was necessary to be kept permanently open , by reason of it performing one of the five purposes .
5 But until you consider the amount of money tied up in County Farms , and the return it gives us , and the , the subsidy if you like of so few people , and you think that school ca n't have toilets and things like that , then these should all go into the decision making melting pot , and this council should not blind itself to the various options that there could be , and in those circumstances Mr I think should be allowed to explore the possibilities of the market .
6 They must not go at all .
7 ‘ This must not go by default , ’ pronounced Herluin at his most majestic .
8 She remembered thinking , once , in a desperate moment , that she should just go to Matthew and say , I love you .
9 I should just go for half an hour
10 It was therefore in Magnetics ' interest that Electronics should not go into liquidation .
11 True , Llanelli are in superb form at the moment , but Pontypridd had a good result at Stradey Park earlier in the season and they should not go into the game with any shortage of confidence .
12 ‘ You should not go through life alone , Miss Dawson , ’ he said absent-mindedly .
13 Holmes repeated his warning that Sir Henry should not go on the moor at night , and should not go anywhere alone .
14 The fact that it will rain tomorrow , for example , may mean that I should not go to London , even though the balance of reasons on the merits of my going ( i.e. all the reasons pro and con but the rain ) suggest that I should go .
15 In general , they should not go to students who have not explored all other reasonable sources of finance .
16 The question of taking pension holidays in between out of surplus is a sort of mid midway position , but er very definitely we feel strongly that money should not go to the company .
17 It was enacted that the vill should not be required to pay the cost of service beyond the county boundary , that the equipment required of troops should not go beyond that laid down in the Statute of Winchester , and that service overseas should not be required as an obligation of tenure .
18 The scope of the ministerial Council should not go beyond what is appropriate to the role of the Community and should not usurp the satisfactory work of organisations which already exist .
19 Your most startling , persuasive or important points should not go in the introduction ; do not let the introduction steal your thunder .
20 Medical or other expert reports that have been disclosed to the other side should not go in Sched 1 , Pt1 , of the list , even if they have already been disclosed to the other side , but always go in Pt2 , otherwise one will lose the right to claim privilege for such reports .
21 He said that even if voters did not want to help any candidate , they should still go to the polling station to register their grievances .
22 If you forget your kit you should still go to Goldenacre and report to the member of Staff in charge of your practice .
23 The interesting , though not necessarily plausible , feature of this result is that firms know that when the price falls below the critical level this is due to a random shock , because they know it pays no one to cheat , but nevertheless they must still go into the punishment phase to enforce the collusive agreement .
24 Reviled by every theatre critic in the world , the show must still go on ( and the company 's lease may well be permanent ) .
25 Spain , notoriously bad travellers , must still go to Albania as well as Dublin before finishing off with a potentially decisive home clash with the Danes .
26 4.12 Employees who search empty property in order to safeguard any valuables or money must always go with a colleague .
27 So if I 'm not sure I should always go for C K.
28 Norwegian coach Egil Olsen was a side-commentary for the match and he called Spurs play ‘ cowardly ’ — Olsen 's philosophy is the opposite of the south-american style that Spurs play : when you win the ball at the opponents midfield you should come forward with lots of players at great speed and you should always go for the goal — if you have the oppurtunity you should always try to go past your defender — NOT pass to a player behind you or keep the ball in play for minutes at midfield .
29 The title Duke of Cornwall and the estate to go with it dates back to 1337 , when Edward III created it to give his eldest son , the Black Prince , an income and somewhere to live ; it was he who decreed that it should always go to the eldest son .
30 His employers , confident of his loyalty , tell him that he should always go to lunch to see what the rivals are offering .
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