Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] dealt with " in BNC.

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1 The Sports Council should have dealt with them before they left for Barcelona .
2 Discussing the case of a headmaster who had reported his pupils to the police for criminal behaviour , the Philosopher , who was female , expressed the opinion that , since the headmaster is in loco parentis , he should have tried to avoid resort to law ; he should have dealt with his pupils himself , privately and without publicity — as would , she suggested , a loving parent .
3 The goal was nt a direct result of his actions … the free kick was near the touchline and some 18 yrds from the dead ball line — something we still should have dealt with .
4 Andy : Then you 'll have dealt with my office .
5 A good lawyer could have dealt with that .
6 He could have dealt with this decently without Stephanie .
7 You 'd put your hundred and twenty five thousand pounds down , you 'd also put down half of the jointly owned property because you could have dealt with that while you were alive and you 'll end up paying large amounts of inheritance tax .
8 The company says that the proposals for the incinerator , which would have dealt with waste from all over Ireland , are not longer viable in the current competitive investment climate .
9 ‘ Matt Busby would have dealt with this by buying me a bottle of champagne .
10 His sense of mischief almost prevailed ; he wondered how the Americans would have dealt with his losses at the gaming-tables .
11 The LEA , then , appears to have been interventive on matters which schools themselves ought to have dealt with , and laissez-faire on other matters in which it had a wholly legitimate interest .
12 And th they will they will have dealt with more incidents up here than I would imagine any other erm place of employment that they 'll go to .
13 I do n't think that the erm go into this properly and I do n't , I think will have dealt with it in lectures , but essentially there 's a common law principle that says if a matter is more prejudicial than evidential it should not be read .
14 Group chairman Tom Peacock said if crime in Darlington stays at its present level Victim Support will have dealt with more than 4,600 incidents by the end of the year , compared to last year 's total of 2,789 .
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