Example sentences of "[v-ing] over [pron] head " in BNC.

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1 Then , he became a little fractious , as take after take was made of him standing on a street corner with an exuberant human leaping over his head a few dozen times .
2 But Celia Palmer , who took her lover 's name when she moved in with him , had been acquitted of all the gravest charges ‘ hanging over her head this long time ’ .
3 She remembered her fear for this man 's life , the way she had fled through the castle to warn him , her useless defiance of Matilda 's wrath and the threat hanging over her head if she refused to co-operate with the Empress .
4 However , with Vendelin Gajdusek out of town and that interview still hanging over her head , a missed trip to the third spa town of the triangle , she inwardly sighed , was the least of her worries !
5 Southampton were ordered to pay just £5,000 up front with the rest hanging over their head .
6 Big stars and a Father Christmas and reindeer and it 's all so bright just hanging over my head and stretching all down the road like a tunnel of hot colour all hanging in the sky so beautiful and magic .
7 It 's been hanging over my head like the sword of Damocles .
8 Then plan a week or two away from the village in order to catch up with some of those desk jobs that are hanging over your head .
9 The provost had confronted the man and had issued a warning , telling him that ‘ the process before the Judiciary at the Croun 's Instance was still hanging over his head & if he transgressed those who assisted to bring him of[f] may also get the affair moved againe , at least for £30 of expenses ’ .
10 We have a child who 's very bright — but there 's this huge sword of Damocles hanging over his head .
11 His colleagues admit while the charges were hanging over his head they had trouble getting funding .
12 DUNDEE UNITED 's Duncan Ferguson will go into tomorrow 's match against Rangers at Tannadice with his club 's official complaint about alleged illegal approaches to the player from Ibrox still hanging over his head .
13 Zenaida the sorceress jumped on her from behind , one hand at her throat , the other yanking at her hair ; she screeched , and the bird flapping over her head screeched with her , but Carmellina could tell from the look in its pale green eye that it was her true love under a spell from the wicked enchantress , and she fell to her knees and clutched the skirts of Zenaida ( what was she underneath ?
14 The man takes a step forward , looking over my head at Andy .
15 ‘ When I was talking to him , he had this habit of looking over my head and I wondered whether what I was saying was going in , but he was digesting it and seeing how he could turn it round to his way of doing things .
16 At the moment he 's under control , but I do n't want to give him time to try going over my head . ’
17 She stands in the garden with a basket over her arm and white pigeons flying over her head .
18 The bullet goes flying over my head and lands in the field behind me .
19 She heard Ben come into the market-room , but when the kitchen door did not immediately open , she went over to it and saw him throwing off a wet sack that he had been wearing over his head and shoulders like a cape .
20 The water seemed almost solid , and it was a heart-breaking effort to keep afloat , let alone swim ; the heavy dark mass kept closing over my head .
21 " I 'd be a bit of a knobbly mouthful , " I ventured , trying to keep things light , feeling even then that this talk was closing over my head like water and likely to drown me .
22 He imagined being shot in the water and it closing over his head , filling his mouth and lungs , the last moments of life choked out of him .
23 for a moment she was very quiet , staring over his head , and her throat moved as she swallowed hard .
24 Reaching over her head , he plucked the photograph of his mother from the bulkhead .
25 A fly was buzzing over my head ad kept settling on my face .
26 ‘ You 're talking over my head , Mr. Preston .
27 Her lips twitched as she imagined a black cloud , bearing his face , hovering over her head .
28 There was a great black cloud hovering over her head .
29 He has been pictured in a Tarzan suit with a helicopter hovering over his head .
30 His mother 's legs , dangling over his head had pinker stockings , and thank God she always kept her knees together .
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