Example sentences of "[v-ing] with her husband " in BNC.

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1 The woman was killed while she was out walking with her husband , when two cars collided at traffic lights .
2 Beryl East , an elderly woman from Sussex , died at a north Devon beauty spot when she fell into the flooded East Lyn River while walking with her husband .
3 Having eventually gained planning permission , we have now launched in earnest our appeal for funds to create a suitable memorial to her — a campsite at Harrison 's Rocks near her home in , E. Sussex , where she taught climbing with her husband Terry .
4 She then pointed to the recipe — Turkish Stuffing for a whole Roast Sheep — delighted by the disparity between the thought of this sheep and the few ounces of meat a week which begun jotting down recipes for this book after she had been sent back to England in 1945 , owing to her health , from New Delhi , where she had been living with her husband .
5 At a party at 9 Apollo Place , Norman Bowler had spent much of the evening dancing with Henrietta Law who was still living with her husband Michael in Kensington though their marriage was by then over .
6 Her last spell of living with her husband ended when she sought work as a governess in London .
7 Mrs Hepburn said she had been living with her husband at the time of the alleged crimes but was now in the process of divorcing him .
8 Enjoying herself by rebelling ; drinking and flirting with her husband 's friends , she creates quite a reputation for herself .
9 Mary , 45 , was left like Brenda to look after a set of six-year-old twins on her own after splitting with her husband .
10 Stella therefore has a choice to make of staying with her husband or with her sister .
11 ‘ Is she travelling with her husband ? ’
12 Somebody left a half carafe of house red , probably with good reason , but they all downed it while Rose-Marie was in the kitchen arguing with her husband .
13 ‘ Nor do we see any reason why a wife who is not separated from her husband , even a wife who is still to be regarded as cohabiting with her husband , should lack this protection of the criminal law .
14 The brave mum , who has two daughters and a son , was out shopping with her husband in Friern Barnet , North London , when they saw a robbery going on .
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