Example sentences of "[v-ing] to [art] church " in BNC.

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1 If we want to know what is happening to the church we need to understand what is happening in the secular world at large .
2 In this chapter we have looked at twelve issues relating to the church 's task in communicating its message effectively .
3 ‘ Thank you , I enjoyed being a part of that , ’ she said gravely , as the procession wended its way off around the village before finally returning to the church .
4 According to a church advisory committee it was ’ too ordered for a rural churchyard . ’
5 A national debate in the General Synod about the ordination of women is the work of the devil , according to a Church of England vicar .
6 The Lofthouse and Middlesmoor Prize Band played a selection of music ; a note in the feast programme remarked on the fact that the band comes from the upper end of Nidderdale , from which dale hailed the Netherdale Singers , who were paid five shillings — according to the church accounts — for appearing at Burnsall Feast in 1740 .
7 Though raised Church of England , I rarely join the congregation since learning at the age of five that , according to the Church of England bible , God punished the naughty .
8 Now that help is urgently needed to stem the threatened spread of AIDS , some governments are looking to the churches to put forward a limiting view of sex .
9 Many of last year 's group were interested in going to a church service , so this year I have arranged to bring them to the morning service at St. Clements on Sunday , 15th July .
10 He bent over his stepfather and whispered , ‘ Ken , I 'm going to the Church . ’
11 One day , soon after our night outside the castle , Princess Flavia and I were riding through the town when we saw a group of people dressed in black going to the church .
12 we 're gon na be getting all his marbles getting ready for going to the church .
13 There were less than a dozen of them , as they went under the collegiate arch of the street entrance and down the glass-roofed passageway leading to the church itself .
14 McPhee had put carts across all the streets leading to the church , barricading them completely .
15 ‘ Church people were all too often narrow-minded , censorious , judgemental , intolerant , conventional … so the people for whom the world was too harsh would never think of turning to the Church
16 Many of today 's leading musicians , both in the sacred and in the secular spheres , began their careers through belonging to a church choir .
17 Some say that to belong to the kingdom of Heaven is the same as belonging to the Church .
18 These encouraged him to attend the parish church , where ‘ I was so overrun with the spirit of superstition that I adored all things ( both the High Place , Priest , Clerk , vestments , service and what else ) belonging to the Church . ’
19 But from then onwards , they were always asking me to join , but by then I had already opened a young wives ' belonging to the church .
20 The Ecclesiastical Courts Jurisdiction Act 1860 , section 2 makes it an offence to engage in ‘ riotous , violent or indecent behaviour ’ in places of worship belonging to the Church of England and places of worship certified under the Religious Worship Registration Act 1855 .
21 During the second-ballot campaign for the Conservative leadership , after the preacher of the admirable ‘ Sermon on the Mound ’ had withdrawn , all three candidates acknowledged themselves ( in separate interviews carried by the BBC Radio 4 Sunday programme ) as belonging to the Church of England .
22 They 'll be getting to the church in a minute .
23 People are flocking to the churches and the number of baptisms , confirmations and weddings is breaking all records .
24 Ian Coffey of the Evangelical Alliance : ‘ I just sense this to be a confirmation of what God is saying to the church .
25 There were laughs and cheers at the end when the character I was playing is running to the church .
26 Some of the couples coming to the church respond to the claims of Christ upon their lives as they see the evidence in the lives of the church members .
27 St Andrew 's Anglican Church , Chorleywood , England has started an annual welcome evening which provides an opportunity for the Parochial Church Council to meet all those who have started coming to the church during the past year .
28 ‘ But note that this is quite different from attributing to the Church in its established structures the dignity of being the Kingdom of Christ .
29 I suggest that the first thing is erm comments on what recommendation you will be thinking of making to the church in regard to the visit of er Mr and Mrs .
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