Example sentences of "[v-ing] the responsibility for " in BNC.

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1 In the same way R&D has the main task of carrying out the feasibility study and the development but shares with manufacturing the responsibility for ensuring that the production design is efficient from the latter 's point of view .
2 In the same way R&D has the main task of carrying out the feasibility study and the development but shares with manufacturing the responsibility for ensuring that the production design is efficient from the latter 's point of view .
3 We would also suggest an attempt to conciliate Fred by returning the responsibility for special functions to him .
4 Second , as with the health care sector , the government is attempting to develop a market for social care by separating the responsibility for those who purchase care and those who provide care .
5 Perhaps an interim step would be to develop the concept of co-operative or team teaching with the class teacher and support teacher working as a team , each sharing the responsibility for the education of all children , similar to the model described by Bell and Best ( 1986 ) .
6 The National Library of Scotland is collaborating with the British Library and the other legal deposit libraries of the British Isles in a pilot project of shared cataloguing in order to improve the currency and coverage of catalogue records for British books by sharing the responsibility for the creation of those records .
7 But the Left did at least sense that Fascism presented an imminent threat to Britain and this is more than can be said for some of those holding the responsibility for Britain 's foreign policy and ultimate defence .
8 Some research archives such as the ESRC Data Archive have begun to approach the problem by shifting the responsibility for documenting the datasets to the depositor ( Lievesley 1993 ) .
9 Is Community Economic Development merely a means of shifting the responsibilities for unemployment , deprivation etc. , onto the deprived themselves or is it an acceptance that government economic policy has failed so-called deprived areas and that something new is needed ?
10 There had been an anonymous telephone call to tell him so , but he had guessed it anyway , mostly because her habit of reversing the responsibility for everything that happened had made her start to behave as though she had herself some gross cause for mistrust .
11 ‘ I am assuming the responsibility for all of my co-workers , both for those things I was aware of and for those things that I discovered in the last few days since the name of Olivetti began circulating .
12 ‘ You have behaved marvellously , ’ he said , ‘ and now we are taking the responsibility for Mrs Ross off your hands . ’
13 In that year the Education Act , piloted by the then Secretary of State for Education , Margaret Thatcher , came into force , placing the responsibility for the schooling of all mentally handicapped children with the local education authorities .
14 It recommended a more co-ordinated approach to the funding and management of care placing the responsibility for allocation of funds , assessment of need and co-ordination of care with the local authority social services department .
15 Others , however , decried this suggestion as a Republican manoeuvre designed to deflect criticism from the President by placing the responsibility for cuts in public spending on the Democratic majority within congress .
16 Part-time male reservists do only sanger ( guard ) duty , either at the station or at other locations ; female reservists are restricted in the main to the guard room inside the station , with only full-time reserve policemen carrying the responsibility for a broader range of tasks , although few are involved in the paperwork for a case file .
17 Some religious have moved into smaller communities whilst carrying the responsibility for caring for their own elderly and sick brothers and sisters .
18 Such charges might seem unpalatable to influential lairds , but the report suggests that they represent merely a shift of emphasis , recognising the responsibility for good stewardship long adopted by many Highland estates .
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