Example sentences of "[v-ing] the less [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Cleansing of the medium is achieved by an increase in flow , which suspends the particles in the water dislodging the less dense sludge .
2 Surely it is possible that a jury might decline to convict of murder a person who intentionally killed under gross provocation , even though they knew that the judge could give a lenient sentence , because they wished to signify the reduction in the defendant 's culpability by using the less stigmatic label of manslaughter .
3 Helping the less able in society to lead an independent life is the key principle .
4 We will also maintain direct support for farming the Less Favoured Areas in ways which encourage good environmental practice .
5 Shamir 's decision was attributed partly to a personal antipathy and partly to the intention of eclipsing the less hardline Foreign Ministry officials from the negotiations .
6 It is claimed to be simple for users and hard for learners , to aid readers and to hinder writers , and to speed the reading of the able while condemning the less able to semi-literacy .
7 The BBC does n't deserve our support if it insists on betraying Selina Scott and promoting the less charming Esther Rantzen
8 But during late March when they were hemmed in , there were many rumours unsettling the less resolute , even though their officers kept them occupied , leaving little time for worry .
9 The sheer volume of the many assessments externally required by the Act and now under design by SEAC runs the danger of forcing the less confident teachers — indeed all of them in the first instance , as they ascend the steep learning curve — into ‘ rote teaching ’ , a much more dangerous activity than rote learning because it tends to shut down that sense of intellectual curiosity without which children are not really being taught .
10 The different ‘ voice ’ is troubling for contemporary western feminism , too , since feminism aims to take account of such voices , but is often accused of silencing or ignoring the less powerful of them .
11 BT hopes its new initiatives will give it the upper hand in the bitter battle with Mercury , which it accuses of ‘ cherry picking ’ business customers while ignoring the less profitable residential market .
12 There are all sorts of reasons for giving the less direct answer : B may want to establish that the fact that the reading was not done was not due to laziness .
13 The government began by arresting the less important members of the CPP as a warning and only on 22 January was Nkrumah pulled in .
14 RISC I attempts to make each of these constructs efficient , while implementing the less frequent operations with subroutines .
15 But there is a recognition by both activists and leaders that the party 's task is to win an election and this means carrying the less opinionated sectors of the electorate with them .
16 Her mother , although of the mentality that refuses such places because of the price of the uniform , was luckily not in a social or financial position where she could reasonably do so , and although she was often unreasonable enough , she did not like to appear to be so in the eyes of the whole neighbourhood , so she constrained her parsimony and her innate distrust in education into selecting the less distinguished of the schools available , on the grounds that the bus fare was cheaper .
17 It broadcast music as it passed , and its windows contained the silhouettes of passengers , convincing the less perceptive that it was a double-decker tram .
18 Since the 1920s concern has been expressed over the fact that it tends to be the younger and better qualified people who are 51 leaving the less dynamic North , thus undermining the ability of the latter to rejuvenate itself .
19 The major airlines , so the argument goes , can easily provide for all our serious air transportation needs on a suitable basis , thus leaving the less able to concentrate their resources on more worthy causes .
20 Defence ( 10 credits ) : This protects the player against attackers ; the higher the defence rating the less likely it is your guy will be tackled .
21 Quite apart from the work which went into recording on the main islands of the Outer Hebrides , a great deal of effort also went into visiting the less accessible islands and outliers .
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