Example sentences of "[v-ing] considered the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Those who wish to receive an intervention , having considered the probability of a particular outcome , will translate their need into a demand for care .
2 If , having considered the document , you would like to obtain further details it may be necessary for me to disclose your identity to the vendor 's agent before I am able to obtain further information .
3 Having considered the structure of health care provision in Britain we next consider how much is spent on the provision of these services .
4 It is appropriate at this stage , having considered the formation and structure of both a partnership and a company , to compare and contrast these two business structures .
5 Having considered the evidence before the justices and Mr. Marston 's submissions upon that evidence I do not think that the argument underlying ground ( 4 ) is sustainable .
6 HAVING considered the tort of nuisance , we now turn to a further tort which had its origins in nuisance but which has developed in such a way that it is now quite distinct from it .
7 As to the other matters , in my view the Secretary of State 's decision not to alter the review date having considered the petition was one which was entirely a matter for the exercise of his discretion .
8 19 Lord The Lord Ordinary having considered the Petition and proceedings , no Answers having been lodged , Nominates and Appoints to be curator bonis to designed in the Petition with the usual powers and decerns ; authorises the said after finding caution to enter on the duties of his office upon a certified copy of this interlocutor with a schedule of the curatory estate annexed thereto ; ( * Finds the expenses of this application and procedure following thereon to form a proper charge upon the curatory estate , and remits the account thereof , when lodged , to the Auditor of Court for taxation ) .
9 19 Lord The Lord Ordinary having considered the Petition and proceedings , no Answers having been lodged , Nominates and Appoints to be curator bonis to designed in the Petition with the usual powers and decerns ; authorises the said after finding caution to enter on the duties of his office upon a certified copy of this interlocutor with a schedule of the curatory estate annexed thereto ; and that upon condition that before issue of a certified copy interlocutor of his appointment he shall lodge in the hands of the Accountant of Court a bond binding himself to lodge Accounts annually with the Accountant of Court and otherwise to conduct the affairs of the curatory estate in all respects in conformity with the laws and practice of Scotland ; to appear before the Lords of Council and Session in Scotland to answer for his conduct as curator aforesaid or in connection with any matter arising out of said curatory ; to submit himself to and prorogate the jurisdiction of the Court of Session for said purposes and to assign an address in Scotland where he may be cited , and decerns ( * Finds the expenses of this application and procedure following thereon to form a proper charge upon the curatory estate , and remits the account thereof , when lodged , to the Auditor of Court for taxation ) .
10 Having considered the absence of any work on the anatomy of animals comparable with that obtained by medical students in the dissection of the human body he decided , first , to obtain qualifications in medicine , and secondly , to undertake his own studies in the anatomy of animals .
11 Having considered the tape formats , now let's take a look at the camcorders that use the tapes .
12 At that time Dr. Yeats indicated to Samuel Whitbread that he intended , after having considered the matter for about a year , to ‘ transplant myself to the metropolis and … quit the early scenes of my professional exertions after 15 years in Bedford ’ .
13 However , having considered the matter carefully , I have tabled amendments Nos. 54 and 53 , which will restrict board members to serving no more than three four-year terms of office , or 12 years in total .
14 Colette Crowley told the court : ‘ Having considered the matter carefully , and in view of the various charges that my client faces , we believe that it is in his best interests that this application be made .
15 " The meeting having considered the application of the Schoolmaster of Kildaltan for the payment of the sum he expended upon building his House — they have examined said accot. — and reprobate the conduct of the Schoolmaster in carrying on a work of such magnitude without authority — and they refuse to countenance such conduct … "
16 The statement said that , having considered the application , the magistrates had refused to issue the summons .
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