Example sentences of "[v-ing] whether such a " in BNC.

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1 The analysis phase may simply be checking whether such a proposal could be expected to provide the function required .
2 The holder of that office must have some way of measuring whether such a huge and expensive change has been successful .
3 In determining whether such a seizure was reasonable the court had to balance , on the one hand , the freedom of the individual and his rights which protected against undue invasion of his property , and on the other hand , the interests of society in ensuring that valuable evidence was not destroyed and that wrongdoers were brought to justice .
4 … The contracting states have a certain margin of appreciation in assessing whether such a need exists … but it goes hand in hand with a European supervision , embracing both the legislation and the decisions applying it , even those given by an independent court .
5 Erm I must confess to doubting whether such a pool of talent exists and I share the views er of the Noble Lord , Lord Motterstone who in a very powerful and commonsense speech made this point an and a number of other ones , but I have to say that what I do think exists is the temptation to create posts for friends of the Government , a process of which has been going for far too long and I mem and I wonder if er members on the other side would defend this position as my Noble Friend Lord Allen said earlier , quite sincerely if , say , another party were in power before when such a time arrives it will then be of little avail for them to run around complaining , for they will have sown the seeds of their own dissatisfaction .
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