Example sentences of "[v-ing] himself to [be] " in BNC.

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1 He beamed at her , revealing himself to be more drunk than Lydia had first supposed .
2 But apart from his rugby chores , McBride will be stretching his maternal instincts to the limit — He 's gearing himself to be a father for the first time in October .
3 ‘ Many felt he was allowing himself to be misrepresented . ’
4 He admitted burglary , handling stolen goods and allowing himself to be carried in a stolen car and was jailed for 21 months yesterday by Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court .
5 He was jailed for 21 months at Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court yesterday after admitting burglary , handling stolen goods and allowing himself to be carried in a stolen car .
6 But instead of allowing himself to be weaned off the drug , he went ‘ cold turkey ’ .
7 He provided titillating material — allowing himself to be photographed in the Cliveden swimming-pool with the lady .
8 It was on the tip of Jehan 's tongue to suggest that Alexei was allowing himself to be used only because it suited him ; but it was clear that discussing the subject was making Jehana unhappy , and so he said nothing , sitting quietly beside her until suddenly she got up and went into the house .
9 The last and smallest darted back , self-importantly , to inscribe his name with care in the visitors ' book , which lay open on a table by the door , before allowing himself to be shepherded after his companions .
10 Aindow is further charged with conspiracy with others to pervert the course of justice by allowing himself to be struck in the leg in order to support a false story that he had been hit by the joyriders ' car .
11 He is further charged with conspiracy with others to pervert the course of justice by allowing himself to be struck in the leg in order to support a false story that he was hit by the stolen car .
12 Meanwhile the other lawyer was growing impatient with Bartocci for allowing himself to be imposed upon in this way by his pushy and unscrupulous colleague instead of attending to his utterly reasonable request for bail or a visitor 's pass or access to official files .
13 He was proving himself to be not only an accurate witness to the times , but a respected one , too .
14 The Prince Napoleon-Jerome had from the inauguration of the Empire been a constant , and public , critic of his cousin 's policies , proving himself to be at best an embarrassment , at worst a threat to the regime .
15 ‘ I go by there most days , ’ said the farmer , proving himself to be the sort of chap who does not mess about but gets straight to the point .
16 But as he adapts to his new environment , Freddie 's proving himself to be a survivor capable of keeping everyone on the hop .
17 Along with other footballers , as I mentioned earlier , he felt a kind of mild predestination , believing himself to be a footballer even while at school ; though one wonders how many others who thought themselves predestined are now in factories or on milk rounds .
18 He had always run Virgin with something of the paternalism of a nineteenth-century Lancashire mill-owner , believing himself to be mindful of the welfare of his staff , if not always fully in touch with the vicissitudes of their day-to-day existence , but certainly never tolerating any direct challenge to his authority .
19 But suppose that , though believing himself to be liable , he gives a note or cheque only in response to a demand threatening legal proceedings ?
20 Meanwhile the also sympathetic but Grahamly maddening Tim is struggling to move into a flat on the row , while supposing himself to be struggling to come out of the closet .
21 There was an added difficulty that the three of then , would break into convulsions of laughter , verging on hysterics , with Hopper somewhere off camera rolling around in the bushes and , according to Nicholson , ‘ totally freaked out ’ while Jack was forcing himself to be relatively straight , do his serious acting and hold the whole thing together : ‘ This used to be a helluva good country … ’
22 The demand must be dated and signed by the creditor himself or by a person stating himself to be authorised to make the demand on the creditor 's behalf .
23 In fact , however , the second point — the reality of God 's giving himself to be known in Jesus Christ — was always the real focus of his concern , and he came to stress it more and more as the years passed , and as he moved away from what he later said to have been the one-sidedness of his earlier writings .
24 He was drunk with a new importance , knowing himself to be irreplaceably useful .
25 Judging himself to be deep enough within the maze of gas drums , he drew a small waxy brick from inside his jacket .
26 Yet in 1340 Philip VI was already showing himself to be master of the tactic which the French were to employ in the years to come , that of avoiding direct contact with the enemy .
27 In routine work the field man must display himself as competent in other , subtler ways , showing himself to be on top of his job .
28 And Bill Holroyd was already showing himself to be pretty gullible , so it 's in character .
29 This would mean that Christ was declaring himself to be a thief , for in Zanaki land thieves generally make it a practice to knock on the door of a hut which they hope to burglarise , and if they hear any movement inside , they dash off into the dark .
30 I stayed in bed for the next twenty-four hours , sleeping , drinking a little water , not eating at all , and only rousing myself when Gav arrived back ( from his parents ' , I wrongly assumed ) , loudly declaring himself to be of unsound liver but totally in love .
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