Example sentences of "[v-ing] her finger [prep] " in BNC.

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1 okay , round the base of your thumb , basically what we want to do is we want to clamp these fingers in so they ca n't come un unstuck , we want to push them together because she ca n't keep them shut like that , but the next thing is that you come round to the back where the little finger is , the next time you come round here , you 're gon na come round to about the first thumb joint okay and then you 're gon na go over the top okay and if you come round again the little thumb , by , by the little finger , you come round again to the thumb joint okay , come over the top again , round , we 're just making really like the figure of eight , but all the time we 're keeping off of this wrist here and I 'm keeping her fingers in , are you alright still ?
2 Pressing her fingers to the knot of tension at the back of her neck , she massaged gently , then stretched her limbs to relieve some of her aching muscles .
3 Pressing her finger against a four foot display tank , she said , ‘ What type of fish is that please ? ’
4 Gritting her teeth , she put out her right hand and gripped the hub of the near wheel , driving her fingers amongst the spokes .
5 She was now stabbing her finger towards him .
6 Maggie was stabbing her finger at the different plates on the table , and her aunt wagged her head and pursed her lips before she said , flatly , ‘ I 'm courting one of the airmen ; he comes to Donald 's farm . ’
7 She was stabbing her finger at him now .
8 ‘ My God ! ’ she murmured , touching her fingers to her lips as though she could still feel the imprint of his ravaging mouth .
9 ‘ If we take off the khat … ’ said the air hostess , drawing her finger across her throat .
10 Donna nodded slowly , drawing her finger around the lip of the cup .
11 He remembered little things — childhood images trapped in memory : his father 's hand laid momentarily on his mother 's as they sat at table ; laughter from their bedroom at night ; his mother straightening his father 's tie and drawing her finger in a delicate gesture along his cheek .
12 If she were her normal self she would be pottering happily around Simone , laughing whenever she got in her way and sticking her fingers in the food .
13 ‘ Like that , ’ said Lydia , nearly sticking her finger in his eye .
14 God , it was bad enough masturbating as often as she did , without pushing her fingers up her arse .
15 It 's real lovely to have Marie there so close to me with her brushing her fingers over my face .
16 In the starlight , her sister 's colourless face seemed itself a pale round wafer of a moon , her expression , the anxious brows rising to meet each other , mimicked the moon 's own self-dramatising look of melancholy ; Caterina felt like snapping her fingers in front of her sister 's nose , or pinching her fat ribs hard , to wake her from her indulged state , but she restrained herself , and instead , in the most solicitous accents she could muster , coaxed Rosa into telling her the matter .
17 ‘ Parceline , parceline … ’ she breathed , tapping her fingers on the thick steering wheel .
18 She clasped his face between her hands , his wonderful , handsome , oh , so stressed face , smoothing her fingers across the planes of his skin .
19 She had sat up and was pulling her fingers through the tangled forest .
20 She laughed hysterically , jamming her fingers into her mouth to muffle the sound .
21 Quickly wiping her fingers on the cotton wool , she tore a large plaster from its paper envelope and pressed the dressing into place over the lacerated bump .
22 Aware of a faint feeling of reluctance , Rory took his hand , half expecting her fingers to be crushed in a vicelike grip .
23 He was even removing her fingers from his arm with every sign of impatience .
24 You ca n't push and slap me around like you do her , ’ she said , pointing her finger at me .
25 Pointing her finger at the misplaced moral fervour of the WSPU and the LNA , she claimed that these ‘ dabblers in debauchery ’ had set middle-class women on the rampage against an evil they knew nothing about .
26 She nodded , linking her fingers through his , loving the warmth of his strong , capable hand .
27 Slowly he removed his mouth , closing her fingers over the spot where his lips had left a burning imprint , a brand on her flesh .
28 She watched Tallis , then touched hands to her mouth , running her fingers down the bifurcated branches of her tusks .
29 ‘ You , ’ she said , running her fingers through the rug of hair on his chest , ‘ you , this place — and you 're going to hire me ! ’
30 ‘ Prentice , ’ mum said , putting her hand on my head and running her fingers through my hair .
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