Example sentences of "[v-ing] by the fire " in BNC.

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1 The three children had gone to bed and Rose was waiting by the fire by the time he was satisfied enough with what he had written to seal the envelope .
2 Upon entering the kitchen , he found his mother-in-law dozing by the fire .
3 Huddling by the fire he waited impatiently for daylight and his relief .
4 Now , she lay panting by the fire , warming her flanks and apparently listening to the humans ' conversation .
5 Her words came back to me as I pictured her sitting by the fire in her tiny croft .
6 I 'm looking forward to getting back home and sitting by the fire .
7 Buddie was sitting by the fire .
8 ‘ I remember him sitting by the fire all wrapped up an' coughing . ’
9 It is the fourth day before the winter solstice , and JILL and REBECCA are sitting by the fire of REBECCA 's home .
10 He remembered old dad VATman up at Hoomey 's sitting by the fire and how he had wanted to go there , and that made him think of a good name : Lucky Fireside … no , Firelight , Lucky Firelight .
11 Eye catarrh worse ( < ) sitting by the fire ; every cold settles in the eyes in rheumatic patients .
12 ‘ Inside , a boy was sitting by the fire .
13 Salt looked round at an unusually pale and quiet Sally sitting by the fire .
14 When we arrived home Frankie was still sitting by the fire with a coat round his shoulders and Mrs Taylor was there in Mum 's starched white apron ready to serve .
15 Her husband was sitting by the fire .
16 He was , understandably , taking us for a couple whose holiday idyll he had interrupted , though why we should be sitting by the fire at that hour , with me in a not very elegant dressing-gown and Ewen in stained jeans and a guernsey it would be hard to imagine .
17 So we entered the Castle , where we found a cheerful old man sitting by the fire .
18 One evening in December I gently pushed open the old kitchen door , and there , sitting by the fire next to Joe , in my old place , was — Pip !
19 It was now March , and Mr Utterson was sitting by the fire after dinner , when he was surprised to receive a visit from Doctor Jekyll 's servant , Poole .
20 The rest of the day followed predictably — Len 's breakfast , seeing him off to work , cleaning the small , semi-detached house they were steadily paying for , looking after the baby , making Len 's evening meal , sitting by the fire in the evening watching the telly , before they went to bed …
21 And this time there was a woman sitting by the fire .
22 ‘ Dear God ! ’ cried Mrs Wood , ‘ an old devil sitting by the fire !
23 Grandma was sitting by the fire with a big pile of wool .
24 He had been sitting by the fire for some time before he decided to open the letter .
25 So I went across and she was sitting by the fire exit behind the piano and er , I said what 's up ?
26 She went over to where he was standing by the fire and thanked him .
27 He joined Mr McWhirter , standing by the fire in the usual lonely state of the one honest man , and , assuming his Manner at its most impressive , he cleared his throat .
28 That was the place where the men of the village spent their evenings , drinking beer and talking by the fire .
29 If Tamar tried to sit up until her mother-in-law had retired to her bed , the other woman seemed determined that husband and wife should not be alone together , and Tamar 's aching back would drive her up the stairs , miserably leaving Stephen and his mother chatting by the fire .
30 Then , story telling by the fire .
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