Example sentences of "[num] [vb past] a major " in BNC.

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1 Its accelerated transfer of four Iroquois helicopters to the PNG Defence Force in mid-1989 represented a major contribution to the government 's campaign against the BRA , as did a subsequent major shipment of small arms and ammunition .
2 The deliberate firing of 600 Kuwaiti oil wells by retreating Iraqi forces in 1991 created a major atmospheric pollution problem , and indicated the need to develop a strategy to try to lessen the likelihood of wilful acts of environmental damage being carried out during wartime .
3 The abolition of internal customs tolls in 1775 provided a major stimulus .
4 The significant rise in the value of the pound from 1979 played a major part in crippling Britain 's export performance , while making imports that much cheaper .
5 Its sponsorship programmes have been developed from commercial precedents and in 1991 included a major league Australian football team , several other football organisations , two national basketball teams , some mass participation sports , and even a drama group .
6 The year 1660 saw a major revolution in grave-clothes , indirectly leading to the firm establishment of undertaking as a distinct trade , the birth of a new industry and some additional work for the jobbing printer ; for in this year an Act came into force , which decreed that all persons had to be buried in shifts , shrouds and winding-sheets made of woollen material , rather than linen , and free from ‘ Flax , Hemp , Silk , Hair , Gold or Silver , or other than what is made of Sheeps Wooll only ’ .
7 MALTA 's steadfast defence during 1940 to 143 played a major part in the course of the war .
8 The renewal in 1960 provoked a major political crisis and a storm of protest throughout Japan , not only from those opposed to the treaty per se , but from those who feared it might encourage Japanese rearmament and the placing of nuclear weapons on Japanese soil .
9 The Adult Education Regulations of 1932 addressed a major problem which had not been resolved under the Board 's 1924 Regulations .
10 The 1970s saw a major shift in focus and suddenly people were describing the hippocampus as a ‘ cognitive map ’ ( O'Keefe and Nadel 1978 ) or as the repository of ‘ working memory ’ ( Olton 1983 ) .
11 1992 saw a major increase in software expertise to enhance our computing capabilities and hasten the arrival of our new field software in 1993 .
12 As the above figures show , the year 1943 brought a major stepping-up of the bombing campaign .
13 Though 1987 saw a major policy shift on the latter ( which is discussed below ) , green belts have , for a variety of reasons , remained a strong policy for both central and local government , as well , of course , for the environmental lobby .
14 More than one underwent a major breakdown after his relationship with Minton was abruptly terminated .
15 The EP on Jan. 15 approved a major European Community ( EC ) aid package to six North African and Middle Eastern countries , but blocked the funds allocated to two others , Syria and Morocco , because of " serious concern " at human rights violations in those countries .
16 The 1880s saw a major effort to clarify the law and simplify court procedure , both of which were seen as essential prerequisites for improving the efficiency of the judicial system .
17 For example , demands for a national enquiry into schemes of social insurance and allied services led to the appointment of an inter-departmental committee of civil servants under William Beveridge ; their subsequent report in December 1942 had a major impact ; ‘ freedom from want ’ finally seemed to be a real possibility .
18 Historians might say that in the twentieth century in Britain only the reforming administrations of 1906 and 1945 provided a major change in direction to be followed by administrations which consolidated the changes .
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