Example sentences of "[num] [prep] further [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 See pages 58–59 for further details .
2 For example , multiplex ties of work and friendship have emerged as powerful in this respect ( see Cohen 1982 for examples and L. Milroy 1980 for further references ) .
3 Telephone 021-200 2244 for further details .
4 See pages 19–21 for further details .
5 Phone Maid Systems Ltd on 071-253 6900 for further details .
6 A number of psychiatric reports have been carried out but Judge John Turner adjourned the court until April 30 for further details before deciding what action to take .
7 Call 071–245 1033 for further details .
8 The play , by Tom McClenaghan , former writer-in-residence at London 's Royal court , previews on July 2 with further performances on July 8 , 9 and 10 .
9 See page 85 for further details .
10 The White Paper sets out the details of the formula ( DSS , 1990a ; see also Millar and Whiteford , 1991 for further details and a comparison with the recently introduced Australian scheme ) .
11 Throughout his tour , which also took in visits to Denmark and Ireland before returning to London on April 26 for further talks with business leaders en route for Johannesburg , de Klerk stressed that foreign investment was needed to underpin his political reforms .
12 What they wanted to provide very rarely brought expenditure close to this ceiling , so they had little problem in deciding whether the project could or could not cost-effectively support a client ( see Chapter Six for further details of the cost of care ) .
13 Call 081–809 4671 for further details .
14 By now , thanks to the Luxembourg Compromise , France was less fearful of the European Commission ; the completion of the customs union led to hopes among the Six of further developments in the EEC ; and there was still the need to settle the long-term finance of CAP , a question which had been papered over after de Gaulle 's ‘ empty chair ’ policy .
15 ‘ Frosty The Snowman ’ is made available on December 7 alongside further contributions from .
16 All German arms supplies to Turkey were suspended on March 26 , but it was then revealed on March 27 that 15 Leopard-1 main battle tanks had been supplied illegally to Turkey in late 1991 , due to a " bureaucratic error " and in contravention of a parliamentary ban of Nov. 7 on further deliveries of Leopard tanks supplied under a 1988 agreement .
17 In this configuration , N185 first flew on May 6 , 1931 , going to the MAEE in 1932 for further trials .
18 For our system the trie structure ( section ) was most appropriate given the need for grammatical , morphological and semantic information in further stages of the script recognition process ( see chapter 4 for further details ) , however the reduced-memory tree ( section 3.3.1 ) also gives fast search times and reasonable memory requirements , especially for experimental purposes with different word lists and test data on a limited memory computer .
19 As well as a series of seminars , we have already published a comprehensive range of support materials designed for staff at all levels ( see page 4 for further details ) .
20 Telephone 0883 653345 for further details .
21 ( See Chapter 6 for further details . )
22 Telephone 071 499 2046 for further details .
23 See page 29 for further details .
24 Please ring 0842 867430 for further details .
25 Further details : Phone Fernhart on 081-658 7833 for further details .
26 See Department of the Environment Circular 14/84 ( Crown land and Crown development ) , and Statutory Instrument 1984/1015 for further details .
27 See Section 2.11 for further details .
28 See pages 54–55 for further details .
29 The special mission of the Organization of American States ( OAS ) , led by Augusto Ramírez Ocampo and with the aim of negotiating President Jean-Bertrand Aristide " s return to power [ see p. 38522 ] , returned to Port-au-Prince on Nov. 9 for further talks with army leaders , politicians and other interest groups .
30 A catalogue costs £1 , refundable with a purchase ; ring 0747–870155 for further details ( answerphone ) .
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