Example sentences of "[num] [noun] ago an " in BNC.

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1 Fifty years ago an American airman died averting a disaster , when he crashed his stricken bomber into a field after steering it away from a busy town centre .
2 The Ulster Unionist chairman said that just over 11 years ago an 11-year-old boy had been killed in a no-warning IRA bomb blast in the town .
3 Dan Cruickshank bought a nightmare on Elder Street ten years ago an has lovingly restored it to a dream .
4 Even five years ago an attendance of less than 35,000 would have been thought surprising .
5 Some 30 or 40 years ago an elderly lady living near Knocknamuckley was speaking about a neighbour who had been taken into ‘ B ’ block in the Lurgan and Portadown Hospital .
6 Some thirty years ago an operation was introduced to control the spread of epilepsy from an affected cerebral hemisphere to the other , unaffected one .
7 A hundred years ago an architect took pride in designing every ghastly detail .
8 ‘ For example , five hundred years ago an Arab produced a white , odourless powder , highly poisonous , from realgar , an ore found in lead mining . ’
9 Two hundred years ago an eight-seater box for a theatre season cost a staggering 2,000 guineas , she learned .
10 Two million years ago an ancestor or cousin , Australopithecus , made simple stone tools by putting a cutting edge to a pebble .
11 Less than one million years ago an eruption of this sort took place near Naples ; the ignimbrites erupted spread out over 5,000 square kilometres , and performed the almost incredible feat of rushing up and over mountain passes 600 metres high .
12 Four years ago an enterprising film producer arrived in Hollywood , having just acquired the film rights to a book on the life of Andy Warhol .
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