Example sentences of "[vb base] ever [been] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And the dance band they were actually number one that night and I do n't think they 've ever been heard since you know .
2 He has been the most inspiring of any artist that I 've ever been exposed to one way or another .
3 Well , er very good but erm last year I was very disappointed I did n't get invite , an invite to the old time musical which is most unusual , it 's the first time I 've ever been missed out , but I do n't know how it happened , our warden did n't have any of us invited , so I do n't know how it happened
4 ‘ But let me tell you — both of you , ’ darting a venomous look at Major Calder , ‘ that this is without doubt the most degrading and distasteful thing I 've ever been asked to do ! ’
5 and he had the nerve to say that is the first time I 've ever been said about it
6 ‘ I do n't think that I 've ever been questioned about them .
7 ‘ That was just about the most disgusting exhibition I 've ever been subjected to ! ’
8 as if they 've ever been left behind as regards the treatment of black people !
9 and so Clement Freud said , not to him but now on this programme this morning , that 's the first time I 've ever been de-grandfathered
10 One Sunday , I went to one of the best planned and happiest birthday parties that I have ever been invited to .
11 C chewed it , which hurt ; D digested it , and that was disgusting , as you would know if you have ever been digested .
12 Probably the most depressing words that have ever been pronounced about any slimming diet are those enthusiastic phrases from well-meaning medics on the lines of ‘ This is a diet that you can follow for the rest of your life . ’
13 Because so few drug-liability claims have ever been decided in court , no one is clear what responsibilities drug firms should bear .
14 Moreover , to say that a set of activities and skills partakes of the general discipline of librarianship is not the same thing as saying that all people who have ever been trained as librarians can perform them , or that they must be performed by people whose training is only that of the professional librarian .
15 ‘ None of our intensive care beds have ever been cut .
16 Though humans can suffer from it , only 13 cases have ever been recorded , world-wide .
17 For example , it is thought that in Zimbabwe there are probably tens of thousands of sites of rock art , but only a tiny fraction have ever been recorded ; and in Israel recent surveys have revealed thousands of previously unknown sites .
18 Only thirty-odd wild red-breasted geese have ever been recorded in Britain .
19 Only three avalanches have ever been recorded in Scotland in November since 1925 when avalanche recording was started .
20 That this is heartening , and cause for hope for the future , is due to its existence being unaffected by all the philosophies , religions , superstitions , political systems and cults that have ever been formulated .
21 ‘ One of the most difficult matches we have ever been asked to play , ’ confided Sir Alf Ramsey in June , 1973 , his apprehension understandable despite being able to call upon the vast experience of Bobby Moore , Alan Ball and Martin Peters .
22 erm it seems to me that they are among the most important , most serious , novels that have ever been written anywhere .
23 It is not a rosy outlook for most of them , though : he estimates that only about three unsought artist have ever been selected for commissions .
24 ‘ It was the finest organised rescue in which I have ever been involved . ’
25 It features 500 works which formed Moore 's home environment , none of which have ever been seen by the public before , and is curated by Solange Auzies de Turenne who is also in charge of the exhibition of monumental Moore sculptures running at Bagatelle in Paris from 10 June to the end of September .
26 We 've got three at home and three away , but I always say that not many games have ever been won on paper , and I still think we 've got a great chance . ’
27 No tickets have ever been issued in the Railway 's eight-years-long official existence but Doug and the three compatriots that run the service shake a bucket at passengers for donations , and , throughout the 1980's , have raised thousands of pounds for this most worthy of causes .
28 I do n't know how many of you have ever been to get tickets at Elland Road but you were advised to take a flask and sandwiches and
29 If you have ever been cornered at a party by someone who insists on standing far too close for comfort while they lurch through their life history , you will know that around each of us there is a space which we like to call our own .
30 No fertilizers or pesticides have ever been used here .
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