Example sentences of "[vb base] they [am/are] doing " in BNC.

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1 They 're furious that a promised reduction in hours has n't happened , although health chiefs say they 're doing all they can .
2 The police say they 're doing all they can to catch the culprits .
3 Pushing the state and its legal institutions to act consistently with their own principles at least brings out the contradictions between what they say they are doing and what they are actually doing .
4 We have also asked schools to try to tell us how they think they are operating and carrying out what they say they are doing .
5 But more in-service education may miss the point , because " day-to-day demands on the teachers will sometimes lead to gaps developing between what teachers say they are doing and what they are actually doing " ( Slater 1985:51 ) .
6 Councillors say they are doing the best they can but Bill Dixon , chairman of the authority 's housing committee , admitted : ‘ We are operating on a knife edge . ’
7 Councillors say they are doing their best but Bill Dixon , chairman of the authority 's housing committee , admitted : ‘ We are on a knife edge . ’
8 I hope they 're doing the right thing .
9 Reasoning powers can deteriorate : people may begin to think irrationally ( and do so even though they know they are doing so ) ; they may begin to get paranoid , feeling that others are slyly poking fun at them , excluding them from discussions , or being condescending or patronizing .
10 I I think that might be a bit early actually , but I know , I know they are doing it earlier and earlier ,
11 Elliel 's our discount because you know they 're doing
12 They know they 're doing wrong you know .
13 Now I reckon they are doing everything they can to keep me there as long as possible , because when I go they know they 've got a real master-blaster like Chris coming in . ’
14 The huntsmen believe they 're doing a necessary job , culling vermin quickly and efficiently .
15 When they first start breathing correctly again , they feel they 're doing it wrong because what they were doing before felt correct . ’
16 If they were working they 'd be going to discos , but because they ca n't work they stay at home , and because they 're girls they do the housework , though they feel they are doing somebody else 's housework .
17 There 's no toilets , nothing for them , I mean they 're doing everything in public , I mean it 's not right , it 's making life bad and this is meant to be a holiday resort .
18 There is perhaps an element of do-gooding about certain taxes and even today there are Treasury ministers who smugly claim they are doing the nation 's health a favour by putting up the levy on cigarettes , alcohol and petrol .
19 ‘ Do you know which play they 're doing ? ’ she asked .
20 It 's the only way they can go around harassing and criminalizing black kids and think they 're doing a good job .
21 ‘ We ring the doorbell , ’ said Maisie , ‘ and ask them what the hell they think they 're doing with Hasan . ’
22 The farming bills do n't amount to much as the ones who do call me in always think they 're doing me a favour and consequently should n't be charged much .
23 I think they 're doing as well as can be expected .
24 But it annoys you they they they think they 're doing a lot for her 'cos they go in ev every morning .
25 I think they 're doing quite well on those tapes .
26 I think they 're doing a great job , just listening , it 's er , it 's the best anyone can do .
27 Mothers no doubt think they are doing the very best for their children , getting them off to a good night 's sleep .
28 But I think they are doing a good job .
29 I think they are doing everything possible to protect the workers .
30 I did say that their attitude has changed from a generation ago and I think they are doing more at home than men did a generation ago .
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