Example sentences of "[vb base] that we shall " in BNC.

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1 The way some some people are top brass of British Gas but er it really is astonishing so when you say that we shall all we shall poorer generally so and yet er .
2 ‘ We hereby solemnly declare that we shall use no forcible means to apprehend , confine , or imprison any person assistant whatever who has appeared at Castle Menzies or elsewhere , or in any part of Perth on prior days .
3 I fear that we shall be faced with this obligation with increasing frequency .
4 I hoped that we could do that today , but I trust that we shall certainly have an opportunity tomorrow .
5 If the country and the House have refused , since then , to give in to terror — despite all the horrors that have been inflicted against humanity on the mainland and , especially , in Northern Ireland — why should the leadership of the Provisional IRA and its fellow travellers , wherever they may be found , conclude that we shall give in to terror during the next 21 years ?
6 ‘ And I hope that we shall be paying the taxman quite soon , ’ he beams .
8 Before the afternoon is out , I hope that we shall hear from the Minister how the Government propose to do that and how effective his alternative — if it exists will be .
9 We hope that we shall be able to make sense prevail .
10 That is why I hope that we shall be able to introduce weigh-in-motion sensors over the coming months .
11 I hope that we shall succeed in doing that , especially with regard to special inspections of previously undeclared sites .
12 As the Prime Minister has promised the House a two-day debate in less than three weeks , I hope that we shall reach a sensible conclusion about all those substantial issues , and that the White Paper will be published before that debate , setting out the Government 's negotiating position at Maastricht .
13 Firstly , I hope that we shall use Maastricht to reiterate our concerns about what is wrong with the European Community .
14 I hope that we shall make progress , along the cautious lines suggested by my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister this afternoon , on a common foreign and defence policy .
15 Technical considerations are being completed , and I hope that we shall be able to put it to the House before long .
16 Both sides of the House could and should support most of its provisions , but where improvements are necessary we shall be pressing them on the Minister , and I hope that we shall receive as fair a hearing from him as I have tried to give his Bill this afternoon .
17 I hope that we shall have a useful Committee stage in which many of the points that I have made can be answered .
18 I sincerely hope that we shall have a change of Government in the not-too-distant future , and that my right hon. Friend the Member for Sparbrook will be able to rectify the wrongs that have been so obviously perpetrated by the Government on the prison service during the past 12 years .
19 I hope that we shall hear the Solicitor-General tell us shortly that such an amendment has the approval and support of the Government .
20 I hope that we shall be increasingly successful .
21 As we examine the structure of the police in the 1990s , I hope that we shall see the need for a national police agency to deal with national and international crime , while preserving the important links through the local constabularies , because it is through the local police links with the public that crime is prevented .
22 I hope that we shall be able to ensure that both these important measures make progress .
23 As its provisions will be beneficial to many people , I hope that we shall deal with it expeditiously .
24 and what I concern myself with now is that this sort of thing is becoming too obvious in the area , this kind of development , this kind of an infringement in villages , looking for , somebody 's got to make a stand against it , er and I hope that we shall in this Parish Council
25 I hope that we shall have the Deputy Lord Mayor , er , Bob on the last Wednesday of our session .
26 Will my right hon. Friend confirm that we shall always be the party of lower taxes and the Opposition that of higher taxes ?
27 We confirm that we shall be pleased to pay your reasonable fee for the report and that , as discussed , it will be delivered in approximately X weeks .
28 We confirm that we shall be pleased to pay your reasonable fee for the report and that , as discussed , it will be delivered in approximately X weeks .
29 There is danger that trade between our countries might be permanently cut , but I believe that we shall eventually transcend ideological differences and progress together .
30 I believe that we shall have greater continuity of orders throughout the 1990s than we did in the 1980s , due to the maturing nature of offshore oil and gas work , including refurbishment , sub-sea systems and satellite developments .
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