Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] the south " in BNC.

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1 Well er there was man walking for the south end of the island to the north end to kept something for his crops .
2 Troy , meanwhile , was walking towards the south .
3 ‘ In case you 've forgotten , ’ he said , eyes flashing , ‘ you are wearing my ring and an announcement is appearing in the South China Morning Post tomorrow morning .
4 They brought the whole flock of sheep and goats , thirty-five or forty of them , on to the roof to tie on the lukals — the double-pouched woven saddle-bags — stuffed with potatoes and Tibetan salt for trading in the south .
5 Charlie Parker , too , was appearing on the South Side .
6 Walking to the South .
7 Er undoubtedly a number of erm our res er our our er employed people , do live in the area immediately adjoining to the South and er the figures that Hambleton have produced and our own estimates based on the National Health er Service records on migration , do indicate that there is a strong movement er on an annual basis into the North Yorkshire area and in particular the sort of area .
8 The great majority were labourers and pilgrims returning to the south of Egypt from Jeddah , Saudi Arabia .
9 First , there was the British ship Charles Bal , under Captain Watson , on voyage to Hong Kong , which was sailing eastwards through the Straits on 26 August , keeping to the south of Krakatoa , and passing about sixteen kilometres distant .
10 He staggered upright and carried his youngest son into oblivion , journeying towards the south , lost in the bleak and frozen wilderness .
11 How do you see the Gardener Centre fitting into the South East Arts region ?
12 It was higher still in what Crewe calls the ‘ new working class ’ — workers living in the south , owning their own homes , employed in the private sector and not in trade unions .
13 Outside the UNBZ , the Humanitarian Officer has responsibilities for visiting the enclaved people of this divided island ; that is Greek Cypriots still living in the North , and Turkish Cypriots still living in the South .
14 The North 's share of the world 's energy consumption was expected to decrease from around 70 per cent to 60 per cent by 2020 , but in that time the proportion of the global population living in the South would have grown from 75 per cent to 80 per cent .
15 Improved standards of living in the South would depend on increases in consumption of energy , but there was small prospect of its being consumed as efficiently as in the North .
16 The thing that Constance loved perhaps more than anything else about living in the south was the sun .
17 For example , less than 3 per cent of the population are listed as holding assets of more than £100,000 , which must be a long-passed milestone for most middle-class people living in the south , and an increasing number in the north too .
18 In the last week of October Moldavia faced the prospect of violence between the Moldavian ( Romanian ) majority and the small Gagauz minority living in the south of the republic .
19 South Tees branch spokeswoman Bridget Drury said : ‘ Any young person aged eight to 14 , living in the South Tees area can join Smokebusters North East as long as they are a non-smoker . ’
20 Now Northampton is twenty one miles from Bedford now we were never classed as living in the south when we lived there .
21 By mid-1986 some 10 or 12 rigs should be operating in the South China Sea and by then expenditure on Chinese offshore oil could be running at around $1 billion per year .
22 There is some evidence to suggest that the high costs of operating in the south and south east , and the growing skill shortage problem , are beginning to influence location decisions but the region seems set to retain its leading position for some time to come .
23 A temporary ceasefire between the currently ruling United Somali Congress ( USC ) and groups operating in the south was announced after talks in the southern port of Kismayu on April 2-4 .
24 The plan was also attacked by the Phalangist Lebanese Forces ( LF ) militia which noted that Hezbollah guerrillas operating in the south had been allowed to retain heavy weaponry .
25 it 's not so bad for somebody living on the south coast
26 A consortium of China 's government ministries is pushing for the establishment of a second national telecommunications network , according to the South China Morning Post .
27 On the 28th , the Austrian Second Army , withdrawn from Serbia , entered the battle forming to the south of Brudermann 's Third Army .
28 ‘ You could say that … ’ he began cautiously , and after that Kate ensured the conversation stayed firmly on business rails until they arrived at the hotel which the team used when testing in the south of France .
29 I love gigging in the South although , oddly , it 's the only place we 've ever received death threats .
30 and finally they 're off and running for the point to point season tomorrow … 266 horses will be racing in the South Midland meeting near Chopping Norton … first race is at 11
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