Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] [pron] head " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly she was incredibly tired , her bones were aching and her head was sore with fighting back the tears .
2 She was still shivering and her head felt muzzy , but now she was lying down the boat did n't seem to be doing quite so much heaving and rolling .
3 They could only see Blefuscu 's warships coming closer , as I was swimming and my head was occasionally under the water .
4 If flying to Japan made ol' George Bush feel kinda disoriented and a bit sick , then a visit to the Isle of Wight would probably have him in full Exorcist mode ; not just projectile vomiting but his head spinning too .
5 ‘ So am I , Luke , ’ she offered bitingly as she pushed back her chair and rose , wincing as her head throbbed slightly .
6 Her mouth opened hungrily beneath his and she heard his hoarse intake of breath , his fingers relaxing fractionally on her wrists as his kiss grew deep and passionate , and she responded , kissing him back , her eyes closing and her head tilting back as her body arched softly against his .
7 Hoving proved his own worst enemy , and eventually his taste for the tinsel and show of the art world overtook whatever feeling he had for the art itself , and he left the museum after his cherished Arts Communication Center ( to be funded by Walter Annenberg , with Hoving as its head ) , a nebulous film-studio-cum-information centre to be built in gallery space reserved for the European decorative arts department , was dissolved after much local criticism .
8 He found the harness release , unlocked it and remembers falling until his head hit the canopy .
9 Her heart was pounding and her head felt light ; she thrust the passport into her blouse and closed the door behind her .
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