Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] along the " in BNC.

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1 She could see the thunderheads building all along the edges of her one perfect summer , and she shivered apprehensively .
2 The two feet would shrink with a cheating stick , and perhaps we could avoid some of the easier but time-consuming lower pitches by sneaking in along the first terrace from an easier route .
3 He shouted towards a black man who was walking slowly along the dock .
4 Annie was sitting beside Rachel 's pram , talking and laughing with the child , when she noticed the young man walking slowly along the paved path .
5 Half an hour later , walking slowly along the road into Haslemere through the mild grey morning , Harry described in his mind another circuit of all the barely linked half-chances that persuaded him Cunningham was right and concluded , not for the first time , that logic and probability were irrelevant .
6 As she gazed at the floor , unable to look at him , there flashed across her mind that image of two figures walking together along the path from the beach .
7 Doors were opening all along the corridor .
8 Freddie glanced fearfully in the policeman 's direction but he was already walking smartly along the narrow street .
9 She would have to go and make sure that everything was all right — and that meant goodbye to walking home along the sands .
10 They were walking home along the river bank .
11 I 'd seen Miss Mallender walking out along the pontoon to the boat and I 'd turned away from the window over the sink to 'and Mr Dysart 'is coffee when there was this great whoomph outside .
12 The waterfall , however , is a hundred yards downriver and is best reached by walking back along the road for fifty yards to the end of a wall , where a step down in the undergrowth discloses a good path high on the river bank above a deep gorge , the waterfall soon being seen through a canopy of foliage .
13 A coastal walk with several variants : do the whole coastal stretch , looking round inland and finishing at the visitor centre for the bus back , or start a shorter walk from Coldingham ( walking back along the road or taking the bus ) .
14 She had been walking back along the track , head bent , deep in thought .
15 Downes looked down at his wristwatch , and at last turned away , walking back along the bare platform towards the footbridge — where he was confronted by the bulk of the broad-shouldered Lewis .
16 ‘ Thank you for a lovely meal , ’ she said , when Vitor had settled the bill and they were walking back along the quay .
17 This has led to the suggestion that the fine structure is created from a series of lamellar crystals winding helically along the spherulite radius .
18 They had climbed out of the dunes and were walking now along the canal bank towards the pill-box and the Lock gates .
19 Hugh was driving fast along the bumpy , stone-skittering road , longing for sleep .
20 He was walking unsteadily along the road , obviously the worse for drink .
21 The reel began to screech in protest as a fine trout tore off into the distance , leaping spectacularly along the way .
22 In Europe we have one major set of structures , from Precambrian to Recent , which relate first to plates splitting and colliding approximately along the Atlantic line and to the later sea-floor spreading that produced that ocean as we see it today .
23 By the time they were lurching slowly along the cart track the wind had dropped , letting the clouds gather .
24 It was Buffy pushing all along the line .
25 Dalgliesh had last seen Blaney six months earlier splashing alone along the edge of the beach , painting gear slung over his shoulder , and was shocked by the change in the man .
26 Then the cliffs come alive with sea birds gliding effortlessly along the coastline on fishing or scavenging expeditions .
27 Then , looking up along the gully where the boar had been , Kalchu noticed a young boy leading his dog on a chain .
28 When the Guggenheim Museum finally re-opens later this month ( 28 June ) , after what seem like decades of restoration and renovation , visitors will step into Wright 's great rotunda and , looking up along the famous spiralling ramp , see … no art at all !
29 At last we arrived at his car , where several other walkers were hanging around looking dolefully along the road .
30 Right : Looking back along the Bwlch Main ridge on the day Billy 's ashes were scattered .
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