Example sentences of "[v-ing] [art] idea of " in BNC.

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1 Highlander provided an educational forum where those who were interested in pursuing the idea of a ‘ participatory research ’ project on land ownership could swap experiences and ideas and together hammer out the details of what was known , what was wanted and how to collect the facts .
2 According to Soviet commentaries the United States ' commitment to these bases underlay its warnings to the ASEAN countries against pursuing the idea of a nuclear-free zone in Southeast Asia .
3 The CNAA 's ideas were taking a different shape in 1975 , showing an unwillingness to go as far as delegating authority for the approval of courses , but pursuing the idea of ‘ internal validation ’ .
4 It was funny how good Adam had been at naming things , the rooms in the house , the house itself even , or at naming the idea of it , the concept , Ecalpemos .
5 Using the idea of dual tableaux , expounded in Chapter 5 , we conclude that the optimal solution of P7 is .
6 Some of the effects of loss can be explored by using the idea of suffering .
7 You will be using the idea of a main argument or basic response to help direct your thoughts and contain the argument .
8 An alternative interpretation of the data was given using the idea of attention focusing .
9 In 1913 he had attacked Frazer for attempting to explain the savage using the ideas of modern life , offering interpretation rather than fact .
10 From 1712 rather inefficient steam engines using the ideas of Thomas Newcomen were unchallenged for about 60 years , especially as a means of pumping water .
11 By conviction I am not suggesting the idea of ‘ conviction of sin ’ but of ‘ the courage of one 's convictions ’ .
12 And it was of no help to the Scottish Protestants that on 8 August , in the instructions given to that experienced diplomat of the 1540s , Sir Ralph Sadler , now sent north to make a comeback in the Scottish political scene , the English were encouraging the idea of being anti-French and anticipating their outspoken memorandum of the 31st by warbling about the need for government by someone of the blood of Scotland .
13 Rather than accepting the idea of a new world order based on the community of nations as expressed through the United Nations , security is to be expressed through a series of Western- dominated collective security structures .
14 But as Bennett points out , the government will probably go further in the direction of privatisation — some leading Tories are canvassing the idea of actual or quasi privatisation of certain benefits .
15 The elder who spoke those words was opposing the idea of an Easter communion , but unwittingly he was revealing the attitude of a great many Scots Protestants towards the Lord 's Supper , the name by which many call communion .
16 It was called " Reunion by Destruction " and in it Eliot set out his reasons for opposing the idea of uniting the Anglican , Presbyterian , Congregationalist and Methodist churches .
17 The article by Julia White and Hilary Patrick ( Lifestyle , 2 February ) opposing the idea of compulsory treatment powers in the community for some people with mental illness , contains a number of misleading suggestions .
18 Those who had survived the shooting and the bombing voted Randolph Churchill 's father out and Clement Attlee in , looking to a compassionate Welfare State reflecting the ideas of Sir William Beveridge and his Social Insurance Committee which , it seemed to many , could reduce their need to overspend and provide a safety net if they did .
19 Mr Nichol , however , said there was ‘ plenty to talk about ’ including the idea of a local flexibility deal , put at the conciliation service , Acas , two weeks ago .
20 Mr Nichol , however , said there was ‘ plenty to talk about ’ including the idea of a local flexibility deal , which was put at the conciliation service Acas two weeks ago .
21 One of the main problems for pupils in the above example is understanding the idea of a " mathematical " cost : a fraction of a penny .
22 Soviet spokesmen accused ‘ NATO circles ’ of distorting the idea of non-alignment through relegating ‘ to the number of the ‘ non-aligned ’ states those few newly free countries whose leaders are presently … regarded as ‘ friends of the West ’ and share the concept of the ‘ strategy of a united front ’ , that is are in favour of setting up alliances with imperialist powers , first of all the United States ’ .
23 In Chila Burman 's self portraits , the body of the Asian woman is located as being irreducible to simplistic and one-dimensional racist stereotyping , whilst simultaneously challenging the idea of an essential racial and gender identity outside representation .
24 The Maiden of Kosovo Branka Andjelkovic reports from war-torn Serbia on artists challenging the idea of woman
25 In challenging the idea of a natural separation of spheres , the nineteenth century feminist movement took up two major positions : first , that women wishing to enter the public sphere should be able to do so on the same terms as men , and second , that women 's domestic talents and virtues should be extended to the wider sphere beyond the home .
26 She also notes ways in which installations , referencing and drawing upon the mass media and a range of other cultural sources , tend to bridge the gap between fine art and popular culture , thereby challenging the idea of the single fixed meaning and , indeed , conventional assumptions involved in the ‘ making sense ’ of visual imagery .
27 Despite his limited education he was widely read , absorbing the ideas of the European Marxists in the medium of French , German and English as well as Dutch .
28 ‘ Fitzroy MacLean , ’ I admitted , not relishing the idea of a ‘ later on ’ one bit .
29 This is a good opportunity to allow the students to derive the lower of cost or net realizable value rule by applying the ideas of future benefits and prudence .
30 in keeping an idea of where the jobs are ,
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