Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] the rest " in BNC.

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1 I can see you are as addicted to knitting as the rest of us , by the fact that you say Murphy 's Law operates every day !
2 But Faye had already turned to the thick , creamy frontispiece to check for herself before leafing through the rest of the volume .
3 Stripping off the rest of her wet clothes , she bundled them out on the landing , then irritably turned on the shower and stepped beneath the hot jets .
4 That ended any sort of conversation and Maggie sat fuming for the rest of the journey , very glad that Felipe sat as silently .
5 Linking the Pro GAP back up and checking through the rest of the sounds the Utopia had to offer , one thing became obvious : that the Intellifex is the real key to a lot of great sounds .
6 ‘ I take it these anonymous friends of yours will be stayin' for the rest of the party ? ’
7 One of Phyl 's Plaza chums , Mignon Harman had an unhappy life at this time ; she had been adopted by a doctor and on the surface was a vivacious person spending her time playing cards and laughing with the rest of them .
8 At first she had disliked this , but Rose 's amusement , and the joking of those around them , had infected her , too , and she had found herself giggling and laughing with the rest as they were shuffled along .
9 ‘ That 's a very beefy pun for a vegetarian ! ’ said Byron , laughing with the rest of us .
10 The Fat Controller was sitting Ciceronian amongst the mob , and his intended victim was squeaking with the rest .
11 A great bed with a dark carved headboard like an ecclesiastical panel reaching half-way up the wall , a chest of drawers supporting a mirror between brass pillars , a desk dropped open exposing drawers and pigeon holes stuffed with papers : these high-polished , sombre items , out of keeping with the rest of the house , subsided within the airtight hush of the room curtained and shuttered against the light .
12 Where a director of music has an inadequate knowledge of the liturgy , the musical contribution may be at best out of keeping with the rest of the celebration , and at worst destructive of it .
13 Very often a film involving a close-up of hands will have used a special ‘ hand model ’ in place of the actor appearing in the rest of the commercial .
14 This effect can be removed by expressing the expenditure in constant prices by statistical manipulation with an appropriate price index — the choice of which is itself a sensitive issue — but even such sophistication does not allow comparisons with what is happening in the rest of the economy .
15 Should not every employee have that right and should not the Government therefore scrap the two-year rule , or are the Government determined to keep up their sweat-shop policies , contrary to what is happening in the rest of Europe ?
16 This is really happening in the rest of Europe .
17 ‘ But if you know that person , you can generally disentangle what 's really happening from the rest .
18 Whatever may be happening to the rest of the economy , litigation is booming and so , apparently , is fraud .
19 About what 's happening to the rest of because she was very maternal she was m she was our mam .
20 These two passages should be read again and again before returning to the rest of the text , which is illuminated by them ; and it then becomes clear that the poem is a work of theory , and not a simple narrative of fact .
21 The pointrider turned and skidded to a stop , signing to the rest of the convoy to follow suit .
22 He would turn and leave the purple streams puddling among the rest of the garbage from other houses , carrying the empty pot thereafter with nonchalance .
23 After all , as Deborah Hutton , health editor of Vogue , put it : ‘ If you 're the sort of person who frowns , even if you do wear these things for an hour while you exercise , you 'll carry on frowning for the rest of the day after you 've taken them off . ’
24 Erm , looking through the rest of the paper , there 's a mistake in paragraph three , where it says cost of inspections was six hundred and fifty hundred , that should be six hundred and fifty thousand .
25 I vaguely remembered reminding mum last night that I was looking for the rest of Uncle Rory 's papers .
26 ‘ She wanted to be doing things like playing on her home computer rather than looking after the rest of the family .
27 His main means of communicating with the rest of the world is a laptop computer with a speech synthesiser .
28 ‘ Twelve o'clock ! ’ he called out as she stepped on to the pavement ; then he was gone , the little green car melding into the rest of the traffic and rapidly becoming lost to sight .
29 Even Bicker seemed to have lost his wary watchfulness and was grinning with the rest .
30 He saw himself , with some justice , as towering above the rest of the NoS people .
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