Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] apply [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What advice can you give to anybody thinking about applying to university in nineteen eighty-five ?
2 I , I , something floated in front of my eyes that she was thinking of applying on part time for the complaint examiner , but she did n't .
3 I think candidates who are thinking of applying for entry in nineteen eighty-five , who are now say seventeen coming on eighteen , have got three or four years ahead of them at university , which is a considerable time , and if nothing else , university will make them question themselves , what their interests are , and they 'll introduce them to new subjects , new areas of study , and it may be a mistake to embark on a vocational course , and discover halfway through that actually it 's not what you want to do .
4 If we were gon na say , right , this only is gon na apply to mega- projects , tt and therefore it would be appropriate for the project coordinator to be the person to sit down at the start of the job , when he 's agreeing the remit with the client , when he 's developing the erm tt er who 's doing what within the functions .
5 he 's so laid back , he 's doing , he 's doing erm the C grade for maths now , that 's what he 's gon na apply to , to go for
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