Example sentences of "[num] values [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 =58 , p<0.01 ) in values of B. Treating the 120 values of P(A) as independent the values were compared in an analysis of variance with two factors , junction and study .
2 As four patients had pernicious anaemia ( three already on treatment ) , one had coeliac disease and two gastric carcinoma the checking of B 1 2 values in patients with iron deficiency anaemia seems to be a useful test .
3 The alignment of predicted v 1 values with histogram peak spacings makes major changes in n unlikely , but minor changes can not be ruled out .
4 The mean random haemoglobin A 1 values within treatment groups were lower , but not significantly so , in the general practice patients ( insulin dependent 10.2% v 11.2% , p=0.15 ; oral hypo-glycaemics 10.6% v 1.2% , p=0.17 ; diet alone 9.1% v 9.9% , p=0.18 ) .
5 To gain some impression of the differences between junctions , the 60 values of hit rate are treated as independent measures in an analysis of variance , this reveals that there are no significant differences between the 10 junctions in hit rate F(9,50)=0.48 .
6 To recapitulate , the effect of the complicated network of legislation which was now ( 1954 ) in force was basically to create two values of land according to whether it was sold in the open market or acquired by a public authority .
7 If two values of probability density are nominated then the area they define under the curve is the probability that any item drawn from the sample will lie between them .
8 If two values of probability density are nominated then the area they define under the curve is the probability that any item drawn from the sample will lie between them .
9 Single channel slope conductance was calculated at two values of V c o m : ( a ) at -40 mV , the cell membrane voltage measured in rabbit gastric glands with conventional microelectrodes and in rabbit parietal cells during whole cell current clamp studies , and ( b ) at infinite voltage ( corresponding to the linear portion of the I-V c o m curve ) where channel conductance was maximal .
10 Eventually the two values in column one become effectively equal as do the two values in column two .
11 Eventually the two values in column one become effectively equal as do the two values in column two .
12 In this example , convergence occurs when the two values in column one both become equal to 0.51 and the two values in column two become equal to 0.49 .
13 In this example , convergence occurs when the two values in column one both become equal to 0.51 and the two values in column two become equal to 0.49 .
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