Example sentences of "[num] thousand [coord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You know if you got five or six thousand and a few go back to work you know , they can start getting a production run going , but because of the nature of our work , everyone depends on everyone else .
2 If you look in other parts of Europe Luxembourg and the Republic of Ireland for example , the figures are as low as thirty six thousand and a hundred and sixty one thousand electors per member er respectively so the precise sizes of the constituencies is not the most material er issue in this case .
3 In local government alone , between now and April nineteen ninety four , it 's been estimated that anything between thirty three thousand and a hundred thousand jobs will be lost .
4 First of all can I check that I am right in saying that the difference between the H B F's figures of fifty three thousand and the County Council 's figure of forty six thousand is explained by the vacancies , concealed households , death rates etcetera .
5 So er , at the moment they 're saying all I can see is that er , we would have to use up the whole of our balance , that 's sixteen thousand and the twenty four thousand arrears .
6 Down at about a thousand units erm you er b between ten thousand and a thousand units er you 'd suffer the symptoms of radiation sickness erm your hair would drop out and your teeth would drop out and you 'd vomit and your skin would turn a funny shade of green and and you 'd be very ill erm but you , you 'd probably recover er you might not but you , you , I mean people have actually had those sort of doses of radiation and have actually recovered er from it .
7 ‘ If I 'd gone first , the house would have come to you with ten thousand and the rest would have gone for research into glandular diseases . ’
8 Now this definition , fitness for purpose , erm fits in very nicely with I S O Nine Thousand and the requirements in , in the quality systems standard .
9 Northumberland , Northumbria Water , the chief executive , David , netted one hundred and fifty nine thousand and the former manage managing director , Robert a hundred and eighty six thousand .
10 According to official statistics , the gypsy population is five hundred thousand but the real figure is over a million .
11 She got about two hundred thousand and a life interest in another two hundred thou .
12 It would last six years and would cost , at their own rough estimate , three million six hundred thousand and a few odd francs .
13 The investigation involves losses estimated at between five hundred thousand and a million pounds .
14 The investigation involves losses estimated at between five hundred thousand and a million pounds .
15 The number of people trained in industry dropped by three hundred thousand and the Secretary of State tells the house that this is a success .
16 However , that does n't have an effect on our er ability to agree a figure of three three for the city itself , in the structure plan , because the work we 've done on the local plan taking into account commitments and suitable allowances for small sites , does indicate to us that a figure of three three is achievable , but would be extremely difficult to exceed , the difference here between the four thousand and the three three does , however , have an impact on our neighbours clearly , and as was mentioned yesterday the City Council does own some some twenty nine hectares of land outside its current boundary , er located in the Ryedale District Council area , that land , some of that land has planning consent , the remainder is allocated in the draft Southern Ryedale local plan and was excluded from the greenbelt , that land it is the City Council 's intention to use to meet its er requirements for affordable housing , could accommodate some seven hundred dwellings , I think it is very important for me to emphasize that that is a very clear commitment of the City Council , and therefore that land in Ryedale would not er in the majority of its case be available for open market use , we would be seeking to use it to meet er affordable housing requirements .
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