Example sentences of "[num] and arrive at " in BNC.

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1 First 75069 hauled the ‘ local ’ , leaving Machynlleth at 1150 and arriving at Barmouth at 1305 .
2 The last down train leaves Euston at 18.15 and arrives at Aberystwyth at 23.13 ( with one change ) .
3 Boats carrying troops and equipment began leaving Toulon on Sept. 21 and arriving at the Red Sea port of Yanbu in Saudi Arabia on Sept. 29 , while from Sept. 23 the aircraft carrier Clémenceau also began unloading some 500 troops and 42 helicopters in Yanbu , returning afterwards to France .
4 On that basis Mr took the cost of one professional carer as twenty three thousand eight hundred and six pounds a year , he multiplied by three point five and arrived at a figure of eighty three thousand three hundred and twenty one pounds .
5 Following the path , continue down to the charming sunken alpinum of 1800 and arrive at a further part of the Hunger Wall .
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