Example sentences of "[num] person 's [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In any case one person 's typecasting is n't always another 's .
2 One person 's meat may be another person 's poison .
3 The sessions were held in the schoolroom and three nurses , in rippling saris , stood at the front of the room and demonstrated , with the use of pictures and a dummy , how intestinal worms and diseases are spread by eggs and germs that pass from one person 's faeces to another person 's mouth .
4 ‘ It would be better to ask young people to show what they could do against explicit criteria so that the challenge would be between the person and the task , not between individuals , with one person 's success being another 's failure , ’ the report says .
5 There are stories of cruelty heaped upon Clift by Huston during the making of Freud , and when weighing up one person 's story against another 's you start wondering just who was the worse rogue .
6 Consumption externalities imply that one person 's decisions affect another consumer 's utility directly , as when one person 's garden gives pleasure to the neighbours .
7 What they have in common is that one person 's actions have direct costs or benefits for other people which that individual does not take into account .
8 All the themes are interlinked and condensed into one person 's life and his surroundings .
9 Two days later , we all suffered again for one person 's misdemeanour .
10 No consideration is given to the fact that actually society is everything — that one person 's effort may bring reward to someone else ; that one person 's mistake can bring disaster to another .
11 The personal , ‘ background ’ characteristics that make one person 's voice recognisably different from another .
12 It should condemn behaviour which is exploitative , violent , and/or involves the violation of one person 's liberty by another . ’
13 We are all the sum of our experiences , and one person 's interpretation of what you say will be very different from that of another .
14 The nature of a region is interpreted individually , therefore , but as an historically-created entity it is more than just one person 's interpretation .
15 History is one person 's interpretation of events .
16 A pure public good is a good for which one person 's consumption does not reduce the quantity available for consumption by others .
17 Poverty changes the meaning of key words — one person 's credit becomes another person 's debt .
18 One person 's unfaithfulness is a manifestation of that conflict .
19 One person 's usage may be another
20 There is less likelihood of one person 's prejudices or tendency to interview in his/her own likeness affecting the outcome .
21 As soon as one person 's work has been built into the computer , it stays there and goes on working for as long as needed .
22 FIGURE 3 The pattern of one person 's day before and after transfer : engagement , help , and other contact from staff
23 This is all the more annoying when one person 's attack was n't valid anyway because it missed the scoring area , or was otherwise unacceptable .
24 The problem of drawing a legal line between moral outrage and individual freedom has become intractable at a time when one person 's obscenity is another person 's bedtime reading .
25 These results come from a wide variety of sources , ranging from laboratory experiments using electric shocks to analyses of one person 's memory over a number of years , from experimental subjects ’ memories of autopsy slides to normal people 's memory for hearing about Kennedy 's assassination .
26 Of course not all teachers will recognize themselves , and probably no one person 's experience will match point for point with the sketch that I shall give .
27 All too often advice is taken as being definitive when in truth it is cased only on one person 's experience , or a particular way of working .
28 It was one person 's word against another .
29 For example , one person 's faith may be a genuine trust in God but also a trust in certain Christian friends , while another person has truly committed himself to God and also to the care of a Christian community .
30 ‘ . You 'd all at least have seen the same thing and not getting one person 's narrative of what happened across the school last week .
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