Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] can put " in BNC.

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1 Come to that I mean I can put some of this in the car and dump , just take it over to the tip
2 The judge ordered him to do 120 hours community service , saying you wo n't do it again , I hope you can put it all behind you .
3 I I mean you can put anything in there really .
4 ‘ If people do not like what they read they can put the letter in the bin .
5 Oh if you like I can put it through her door
6 I know I can put it in myself .
7 This is an overdraft facility and one of the most flexible and convenient ways of balancing short term overspending which you know you can put right as soon as you 're next paid or , at the worst , within the next few months .
8 I du n no , er you know you can put woman staying at home having the child for instance when there are n't enough children to fill the schools realize that having children is a very important in economic values what with nations increasing staying at home
9 Depends tha I do n't know what sort of draw you can put on that pump here .
10 Now advertising strikes me as an area that I I feel I can put make some input into .
11 Said Ince : ‘ We 're still confident in our own ability we believe we can put things back to rights . ’
12 Folklore has it that any economic revival starts in the housing market as homeowners and would-be homeowners decide they can put off moving or buying no longer .
13 Those who know no better probably reckon they can put one over Mary , passing her off as a cups-of-tea , rustic East Country accent , down-home , fund-raising type .
14 It is a shame that the players feel they can put sponsors to ransom like this and that they are bigger than the sport . ’
15 I 'm just going to , I think I can put my wellies away now .
16 I think you can put it as one word if you like .
17 One two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten fifty , ten seventy , ten eighty , eleven , eleven forty one Right I think we can put it all together ca n't we and erm get a balance , yes ?
18 I wonder they can put up with it . ’
19 It actually doe it works for triangle , you can do a triangle as well cos of course if you realize you can put a line across there a line across there a line
20 I daresay you can put in a little more shock as well as grief — it is very interesting , and not often done enough … .
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