Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] have found " in BNC.

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1 You work here for an hour at either end of the day , sleep in this funny little store place I 've found you and during the day you can try and find something more normal .
2 So you say you 've found it a bit of a strain ?
3 I can imagine what he 'll think if you ring him up and say you 've found me weeping over my special patient !
4 ‘ Go in and say we 've found her , dear , ’ orders Lil .
5 ‘ I expect they 've found pieces of gold or silver , ’ I said .
6 They say they have found a link between eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia and pictures of slimline models .
7 Now researchers at the Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine in Oxford say they have found what they call a candidate gene which they think is likely to make someone vulnerable to asthma .
8 POLICE say they have found strong evidence linking a series of fires in Gwynedd at the weekend with the Meibion Glyndwr arson campaign .
9 'Allo 'Allo , I zink I 'ave found ze real Nouvion
10 The magic was being able to step into a ‘ Laura Ashley ’ dress and imagine you had found something out of a dressing-up box .
11 I hope you 've found the meeting this evening positive , I 'm sure you have n't heard perhaps if the people found after the this evening and the guy up there reckons we ought to retire , well I do n't think we will retire but I think we will be responding to the things that you raised this evening I happen to think the Harlow theatre I 'm not sure how you measure success , erm I think we measure it 's success in the fact that people actually do use the building , people do come to see the shows .
12 Erm , otherwise it remains only to say thank you very much for coming , I hope you 've found the experience helpful .
13 We hope you have found it useful and informative
14 Good League results led even the club 's sternest critic to believe that in Vic Noodle we had found the man to take us into the Football League .
15 Four years after first wanting to sell , Allison Gregg and Alan Neale hope they have found a way out of their flat and their nightmare .
16 Look I 've found it .
17 Look I 've found my dick .
18 The earliest copy I have found is August 1935 , price 2/ .
19 ‘ We get on very well and make a good team ’ , says Fran , ‘ I know we have found our little niche in life . ’
20 But suppose I had found a watch upon the ground , and it should be inquired how the watch happened to be in that place ; I should hardly think of the answer which I had before given , that for anything I knew , the watch might have always been there .
21 I find I 've found that if you if you get it like that just , you know delete it .
22 I suppose you have found that out already .
23 We believe we have found the perfect way to explore our islands , by joining a cruise that will encompass some of the most delightful scenery and wonderful houses and gardens , many of which are National Trust , on a two week circumnavigation of the British Isles .
24 ‘ We understand they have found in favour of us and the other UK producers , ’ said a spokesman for Kemira .
25 ‘ We understand they have found in favour of us and the other UK producers , ’ said a spokesman for Kemira .
26 ‘ We understand they have found in favour of us and the other UK producers , ’ said a spokesman for Kemira .
27 asthma 's wound up , they reckon they 've found a cure for that
28 They believe they 've found a way to destroy cancer cells without the unpleasant side-effects produced by existing drugs .
29 African leaders who recognise that it may be difficult to impose any further sanctions believe they have found the way forward .
30 They believe they have found a cheap , practical means of preventing dolphins entangling themselves in monofilament drift fishing nets — the ‘ walls of death ’ believed to be responsible for killing large numbers of dolphins off Cornwall this year .
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