Example sentences of "[vb base] [conj] [pers pn] wanted " in BNC.

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1 It was from this position of moral and physical strength that he negotiated the treaty of Troyes , whose terms suggest that he wanted to change as little as possible .
2 You know , say if they wanted to get you three C's and you got three A's shut up Sam !
3 The people who were lived behind Ann there 's a yo young couple in there I think he beat her up , I mean that I wanted to go round me , because I know what it felt like and I wished somebody had come and help me .
4 Er you ca n't imagine this I do n't suppose , but nevertheless it 's true and in a time , the men in the shop they was mass-production , you know what I mean and they wanted this or that or the other , well I had the authority to go down the machine shop and tell them , look here , so and so wants this you do that .
5 Oh yeah I mean if you wanted to also link that with multicultural situation or or cross cultural or comparing it with other ones I mean that 's no problem .
6 I mean if you wanted to be really obscure
7 So even if you did n't have a protractor , I mean if you wanted to be really fussy and find out exactly you could measure it and say , ooh that 's actually , it 's not eighty that 's seventy nine and this is a hundred and one so she spends a pound and a penny on sweets and she saves seventy nine .
8 You know they they 're a lot of the older men makes you wonder have they been sacked so they do n't have to pay them hand shakes at the end you know if they wanted to lay some people off .
9 The job had just kicked off so the blokes used to just the phone inside you know if they wanted .
10 But there are all sorts of reasons why we do n't get that news , one guy said well if we wanted to do it I know if we wanted to make the news that , according to the level of human suffering we 'd start off with Ethiopia then we 'd have the Kurdish problem and you know just made a living of disaster areas around the world , he said we might of finished up with a light hearted discussion on the poll tax , you know as the , as the light , the lightener at the end of the news if you like , and our , what news we receive here depends on our perception of the world , but mainly it 's the other way round our perception of the world is , is what , you know what it , or rather the news that we get actually manufactures our perception of the world .
11 They 're just being finished , you know if she wanted .
12 But you know if you wanted to talk about sanctification , as a for instance , that 's growing in grace and holiness , becoming more the person that God wants us to be .
13 Well I , that 's really the only reason I came up was because I wondered if they wanted to take me off it , you know if you wanted to change it , because i it is n't working .
14 Well , we really know whether you wanted us to put what we learned from the report what we 'd actually done that day as in just listing it as you said like a diary
15 Eric and I had to restrain him at times when he wanted to do something like throw little Paul into the water to see if he 'd float , or like when he wanted to fell a tree over the railway line that goes through Porteneil , but as a rule we got on surprisingly well , even though it rankled to see Eric , who was the same age as Blyth , obviously in fear of him .
16 Our first single from ‘ Hype ’ has got the feel that we wanted , with a really live guitar sound .
17 It made her feel that he wanted her to be grateful to him for marrying her .
18 Her arms ached , but it gave her time to turn over in her head the encounter which had marked the day , and decide whether she wanted to share it with Marlin or not .
19 So , I was very disappointed , and on the way back to catch the bus on Parliament Street , I passed erm a shop called Jowers which was next to the Corner Pin , and er er although I was very nervous , I went in and ask if they wanted a tailoress .
20 It was the heiress of La Tour Monchauzet that he wanted , she thought desolately .
21 I know perfectly well that when he was chairman of the Greater London council he wanted an elected police authority , and I think that he wanted to be chairman of it
22 ‘ The unit I work on , I think if they wanted to grieve , I would grieve with them .
23 Ah no , I think if he wanted you he would have come to you , do n't you ?
24 ‘ I 'm on three days ’ leave but I wanted to get my report done .
25 You see if they wanted to be a foreman he 'd still in the union .
26 Just see if he wanted a poster .
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