Example sentences of "[det] [modal v] be true " in BNC.

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1 That may be true in general , but the other side of the coin is that Britain expects change in return , and puts on tremendous pressure to get that change , ’ one official said .
2 That may be true , but in 1987 hostile interviews with Neil Kinnock trying to explain his party 's defence policy counted as part of the Labour Party 's coverage .
3 It has often been said that he did not really have any very clear idea of what he wanted from his Council ; and as far as content goes , that may be true .
4 All of that may be true of various couplets of Hebrew poetry , but it is quite other than what is being urged in this paper .
5 That may be true , but I ca n't stop myself admiring her . ’
6 That may be true , ’ says Howard , looking away with tragic restraint .
7 Ps : That may be true , but the 11+ arithmetic test was very limited in scope .
8 That may be true , ’ Claudia said , knowing that were she in Berenice 's shoes , she would let Garry go .
9 That may be true , and it might affect the balance of advantage and disadvantage , but it does not need to be resolved at this stage .
10 Erm as far as I 'm concerned Mr Donson 's point that there are significant areas of the county which are covered by other policies , national parks , heritage coast , high quality agricultural land , Erm that may be true but there are significant areas which are not covered by those policies and it seems to me that if erm the county structure plan is going to provide a strategy then it should be relatively comprehensive .
11 That may be true , but it has vigour enough to ensure that he shall not be hanged out of hand . ’
12 I have seen enough already to know that my work on Christabel must be seriously altered in the light of what you have in these letters — I would n't be happy going on without taking them into account — and that must be true of Dr Michell 's work on Ash too , just as true . ’
13 Although some may be true , they deal with constant complaints about testimonials which turn out to be from people connected with the firm .
14 There is no denying a basic sense in which this may be true , and yet the last chapter will surely be different .
15 There is no denying a basic sense in which this may be true , and yet the last chapter will surely be different .
16 This may be true , but there are other offences to deal with that aspect , and , in any case , violence in private raises the same issues of physical integrity and self-determination .
17 This may be true in the rise of European nationalism , although the need for a uniform language arises also because of the competition between States and therefore the drive to establish single national markets .
18 While this may be true sometimes there is also often much truth in the saying that ‘ an untidy desk means a cluttered mind ’ .
19 This may be true to some extent , but let us examine the position arithmetically .
20 This may be true for the nuclear industry and for the utility that owns the Three Mile Island ( TMI ) power station , but in terms of the physical harm done to the public , the TMI accident proved to be virtually a non-event .
21 This may be true — it is already true of a great many regulations with which companies must comply — but it may also reflect the fundamental nature of financial regulation .
22 This may be true for some , but they are bidding for Palatine !
23 This may be true .
24 This may be true .
25 This may be true of the common-or-garden use of the word idea , but when a philosopher like John Locke says that a man is not speaking intelligibly unless his words ‘ excite the same ideas in the hearer which he makes them stand for in speaking ‘ i it is not just a way of talking .
26 This may be true in a formal sense but allocation of blame is not usually a productive exercise particularly from a learning view-point .
27 This may be true , but he should not be clouding the issue with irrelevant gibes at the ‘ competition . ’
28 This may be true at the population genetic level , but it tells us absolutely nothing about the developmental complexity of the process itself .
29 This may be true but presupposes that the law in question is the one which will govern the contract , whereas the reality is that for every contract governed by that law there will be another contract governed by a foreign law with which the party concerned may be unfamiliar , which is in a foreign language he does not understand , and which , when put to the test , may prove demonstrably inferior not only to his own law but to the proposed uniform law .
30 This may be true , and many advertisers of these categories of goods — which tend to account for the majority of advertisements appearing on TV and in major national newspapers and magazines — behave as if they believe it .
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