Example sentences of "[det] [be] usually a " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes a doctor will send the certificate direct to the Registrar , but it is always necessary for whoever is arranging the funeral to attend at the Registrar 's office , this is usually a close family member but does not have to be .
2 This is usually a very popular event as parents want to see their own children involved in something special .
3 This is usually a painful process which most authors secretly hate !
4 It is true that , for us , this is usually a highly sophisticated learnt response .
5 This is usually a standard ten per cent in contracts but in practice is usually agreed at five per cent .
6 This is usually a very pleasant and reassuring interview for a worried old person , who can be helped to feel that much of the anxiety about her heavy housework is going to be taken off her hands ; and the supervisor then tries , as far as possible , to choose just the right member of her staff to suit the needs of the applicant .
7 This is usually a good defence and should be borne in mind when preparing the case .
8 One can not always control moisture content but one can generally arrange for ventilation and this is usually a sufficient preventative .
9 This is usually a result of family and marriage ties and so an employer might expect young unattached female staff to be more willing to relocate than married women .
10 This is usually a percentage of the total sale price and is paid by the seller direct to the original artist , or his/her estate .
11 This is usually a tongue-like structure and at its base on the lower side there opens the salivary duct .
12 Unlike Persia or Anatolia , where each region or village is associated with a specific method of weaving and repertoire of designs , rug-making in China was never based around exclusive localized styles ; and although antique rugs may be classified as " Paotao " or " Ning-Hsia " , for example , this is usually a definition of their quality and style , rather than a statement of where they were made .
13 This is usually a reasonable question .
14 This is usually a better solution for draining the cistern as it leaves a cold supply at the kitchen sink .
15 This is usually a sure sign that she is about to quote from the collected works of Old Mother Walsh , and this , indeed , is what she did : ‘ Shoes are remarkable , warm , bright and neat .
16 This is usually a square panel , as can be seen at Aldborough ( pI .
17 This is usually an anxiety-provoking experience and some members might try to avoid doing it .
18 For timing purposes it is best to assume a wait of half a revolution , bearing in mind that this is usually an overestimate .
19 This is usually an underestimate as the first logical overflow record is always the last from that track physically and tends to be located near the end of the overflow track .
20 This in large part won in return their acquiescence in the research , at least for the majority , even though this was usually a reluctant and resigned co-operation .
21 This was usually a person undergoing great emotional strain , such as a girl experiencing a particularly traumatic puberty .
22 This was usually a small chapel , in or next to a church , endowed with funds to maintain one or more priests who would chant masses for the soul of the founder ( or for some other person named by him ) .
23 In the latter case these are usually an oversimplification because there is an underlying assumption that decisions are being made in a simple logical sequence .
24 Day continues : ‘ Very few outlets would warrant more than one product , and that is usually a lager , so ale brands find it quite difficult to get in-trade distribution . ’
25 N. That 's usually an excuse for being crap on ramps .
26 On the other hand , her grey eyes were big , and that was usually a sign of hunger .
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