Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [conj] 's " in BNC.

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1 From here , it looks more like he 's trying to stir up some shit that 's already been stirred up too much by the neo-Nazis .
2 If you feel that there 's some benefit that 's come out of this meeting today
3 Yeah , oh it really knocked him for a burton , you see his , you see Clifford and him , with this boy that 's had their , their , his son that was
4 Ca n't you get this beading that 's got a pattern in it ?
5 She should n't be allowed to stay there if , how old is this girl that 's been chucked out of the house ?
6 Or if you 're with another body that 's agreed er seventy five er eightieths or whatever
7 I would say that if a person is locked up from that time at night , there 's circumstances , their perhaps observation for their own safety , erm any body else that can be trusted at night sanitation are not locked in , they have the facilities to go to the toilet during the night , I mean this person that 's just said must of obviously been ob observation or was locked up for a reason .
8 Erm , even if you inherit some spreadsheets from this person that 's left , that 's useful knowledge because you do n't have to spend time searching for whoever might have created this spreadsheet .
9 erm this Shirley that 's done written this up and she said about our own craft evening and variety of things and all that .
10 What do we do with all this stuff that 's got excessively high conductivity , I mean is it being what 's happening to it ?
11 But I mean , when you think of the amount of people in this block that 's bought their house and the state that the building 's in , I mean , I have told them in the corporation that a lick of paint would nah do it any harm .
12 not the woman with three there 's another woman that 's got two , I do n't know her , she comes round with some of those envelopes sometimes
13 ‘ What have you done in school this week that 's been interesting ? ’ is a question that we should put to other members of staff , and ourselves at every staff meeting .
14 But when I look back , I think it 's this path that 's been ploughed for me .
15 If you want in Colossians chapter one in verse twenty seven , it 's , it 's given again very simply , again can I use J B Phillips , he puts it like this , he says the secret is simply this , Christ in you yes he says Christ in you , bringing with him the hope of all the glorious things to come , so what God does he comes in to this situation that 's marred that 's warped , that 's twisted and he comes in by himse , Jesus Christ comes into it , he becomes the central point , the focal point and that circle , it starts to get dealt with , that marred twisted like , it does n't happen being like that , we knew creation straight away , we do n't have to work at that , but he , as we allow him to dwell in us and to work out his purpose , he restores that relationship with God and God starts to fashion us , he starts to work on us and bring us back into how he originally created us .
16 Er and similarly the syntax of languages are often said to be oppressive of women , a lot of the way that language is structured and a lot of the words that you get in a language , that 's another thing that 's said .
17 And that 's been another thing that 's been worrying me over the weekend .
18 Well that 's er that 's another thing that 's happened within the British Steel 's er scheme , the Chairman seems to be elected in himself or by the company , it 's certainly not e elected by the Trustee Board and er a and we would like to see
19 I 've just had a a quick word with Maureen , this is another thing that 's come up .
20 Okay so we 'll let U be this thing that 's raised to a power .
21 I read somewhere , at some stage , some problem that 's got rid of by using Share .
22 So below an area with a very high biological activity , where there 's a very large amount of calcium carbonate raining down , the C C D will be deeper because it will take that much longer for this material that 's rained down to actually dissolve .
23 And you will go around er using this to show people well I 've sold that and that 's mister so and so or that 's such and such business that 's gone so that you can show people that you 've actually sold these .
24 Nothing about these ones that 's already been in .
25 Ee god I wonder how many times that 's been said .
26 Not many people that 's lived in a house take the carpets cos they wo n't fit wherever else they 're going .
27 Where the bus , and you know where the buses park and everything , that used to be all sidings right under that bridge that 's got the weight limit on
28 As I say I 'm I 'm not convinced that it 's air conditioning erm , but then again there 's more detail , more data that 's required .
29 It 's one of those solos that 's got so much personality all over it that , even when you learn it and play it perfectly , it will never sound as good as Jimmy Page doing it .
30 Because there 's obviously a concern inside that viewer that 's come out in 90 per cent of other artists ’ work . ’
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