Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [coord] became " in BNC.

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1 There were some who were initially repelled by the controversy which surrounded Paisley , but who overcame that revulsion and became committed supporters .
2 She said she had never realised what went on before as she went round and inhabited each seat and became the person .
3 Darwin settled down in London for a few years and became an active member of the Geological Society .
4 And she made a little dint in the ground which filled with some water and became a little pool for the snake to drink out .
5 Macijauskas himself is from the second city and former capital , Kaunas which is where he worked with the local branch of the society , won some competitions and became a newspaper reporter .
6 Johnson grasped hold of some solitude and became for an hour or so a noble savage and a member of the armies of medieval romance , communing with nature on the bank of a stream : ‘ The day was calm , the air soft , and all was rudeness , silence and solitude .
7 Saga pioneered this market and became a very large company on the basis of it .
8 Well , she was the subject of much interest and became one of the sights of London .
9 The controversy , like the 1986-87 international airport scandal [ see p. 35766 ] , pitted the Prime Minister 's two sons , Lester and Vere Bird , against each other and became another aspect of the ongoing struggle to succeed their father as Prime Minister .
10 From the early 1960s , the courts reverted to their former attitude and became increasingly willing to review governmental activities on a variety of grounds ; the reluctance of the 1940s and 1950s disappeared .
11 Fiona , who supervised Davies for ten months , had a torrid affair with the former jailbird and became his self-confessed ‘ sex puppet . ’
12 Some of these proved to be classics in their own right and became accepted as models for others to follow .
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