Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [prep] commitment " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Souness can sweat his own blood and tears for Liverpool — but sees few others ready to show that kind of commitment .
2 Of all George went through in his Beatle days , there was this kind of commitment within himself to say ‘ I really want to see you ’ .
3 We 're not we we do need some kind of commitment from you , we we do n't need a contract .
4 In fact GLCABS now require this level of commitment from their new recruits .
5 Of course taking some responsibility for providing personal care does not always demand quite this level of commitment , but examples of this kind are valuable in specifying just what responsibility towards one 's parents can mean .
6 Some Health Authorities already employ a Nurse Recruitment Officer who is a member of the Nurse Education Department but this level of commitment is completely inadequate to mount the assault which will be required ill an average health district .
7 Once the problems are recognized and society accepts some degree of commitment in the battle against social evils then , naturally , public expenditure is bound to rise .
8 But many parents would clearly be unable to make this type of commitment and there will be mentally handicapped people , just as there are many ordinary people , who find themselves without an occupation for a long period of their lives .
9 And this process of commitment to literacy is best and most easily established early in life .
10 Such sums are not obtained without some sort of commitment to success which , in contemporary terms , means circulation and advertising rather than a blind commitment to a political creed .
11 She needed him to be ready to make some sort of commitment to her .
12 In fact some evidence of commitment already existed , since the head , who claims to have wanted to improve the library and to link this to the introduction of study skills , had already approached the governing body to seek county support for redecoration .
13 This foundation of commitment means a decision to behave according to certain standards of conduct towards another person .
14 Officials at Japan 's Ministry of International Trade & Industry now say that they 're tired of quibbling over market share figures with the US , and say they do n't intend to allow the US to establish a new market share goal in upcoming semiconductor talks , which will begin in Hawaii next Tuesday , the Wall Street Journal reports — ‘ Because there was a controversy over the old 20% figure , which was taken as some form of commitment , we have no intention of referring to any new numbers ’ Koji Matsui , deputy director of the industrial electronics division of the Ministry declared .
15 Part I , with the inclusion of some form of commitment to a funding council , is an improvement , but we can not support the removal of further education from local authorities .
16 Sodalities , such as the Legion of Mary , Opus Dei , and Christian Life communities , have partially extended this form of commitment to some , particularly more middle-class laity , and continue to have an important role in activating laity for what are judged to be religious goals both personally and socially .
17 Erm if they can keep putting that kind of performance on and showing that sort of commitment then we 'd be all right .
18 And so we are we look for that sort of commitment before people leave er the room today .
19 And we ac we actually look for that sort of commitment too .
20 It 's pretty rare these days to find that sort of commitment . ’
21 ‘ They deserve that sort of commitment and that 's one of the reasons why I 'm stepping back — because you can not half do it .
22 With a further 25% of the data sheets describing qualification training ( which may also be regarded as an aspect of development training ) , there was indeed far less evidence of commitment to specific job training programmes .
23 Largely preoccupied by a sense of not being able to win , they have little sense of commitment to themselves , let alone to a person of the opposite sex .
24 There needs to be a degree of tolerance and a willingness to accept that not all are willing or able to make the same level of commitment , but there are limits .
25 But every little detail seemed crucial and it was something I struggled with all the way through , but knowing that Cathy , Joan and I were all on the same wavelength and felt the same level of commitment was a great relief .
26 In making the decision the parents should bear in mind that once any kind of commitment to a religion is made , it is always more difficult for there to be a change of course , even when the commitment is made on behalf of the individual when a helpless baby .
27 The Nordic states were reluctant to enter into any kind of commitment , but would perhaps have been willing to follow a British lead , while in France and the Low Countries British participation was regarded as an indispensable guarantee of security against both a resurgence of German militarism and the shadowy threat of the Soviet Union .
28 She was n't sure that she could offer the same kind of commitment in return , or that she wanted so much responsibility .
29 It is n't quite that cut and dried , but if you are signed to a small company with any degree of commitment , you can be sure that the company and their staff are in their weekly meetings pushing to get results from your music .
30 He had been replaced by Ludwig Erhard , who did not have the same degree of commitment to a Franco-German core within the EEC .
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