Example sentences of "[det] [prep] whom [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Four days have passed since the prince left sanctuary , ’ Joan said sadly — though it was in truth another for whom she pined .
2 Being examined by half a dozen people , half of whom one has known extremely well , is what Margaret Mead , the anthropologist , would have termed a ‘ bizarre group situation ’ .
3 Alongside , it grew other patterns of pastoral care and supervision , based upon organization by years , with year-tutors often moving up through the school with the pupils , at least some of whom they could teach on a regular basis .
4 Their violently anticlerical tone , occasionally stooping to scurrilous abuse , provoked sharp replies from churchmen , some of whom themselves descended to the level of personal insults , mostly on the score of Cocks 's diminutive size and renowned eccentricity .
5 some of whom who are not very wealthy people , there are an awful lot of taxpayers who
6 The numbers attending were usually small but on one occasion the minister ( Mr Dwyer himself , it is implied , ) found that 300 people , some of whom he had never seen before , had gathered to hear him .
7 It features characters from the dance-halls , bars , brothels and circuses of Paris , some of whom he helped to promote through his posters .
8 I am taking a party of racing people , some of whom you will surely know .
9 in the January edition of She magazine , but although it 's the January edition , it er does pertain to Christmas , because it 's all about the guests you invite to your home over the festive period , some of whom you could well do without .
10 I looked around for Kalchu and eventually found him on the far side of the fire talking to a group of men , some of whom I recognized as being from Chaura and from Chhuma .
11 Then the people moved aside and we passed through the smiling , cheering crowd , some of whom I noticed had tears in their eyes .
12 Several of my ex-pupils , some of whom I 'd first taught when they were 7 years old , grimaced at me as they carried on preparing their lunch .
13 As the house becomes more and more popular , we are attracting quite a select clientele — some of whom I feel would be on yours and every other society guest list . "
14 These are evident in the projects of a wide variety of film-makers , artists , novelists , poets and photographers , some of whom I have already referred to .
15 Very , very quickly , can I just say , that in the er , consultat in the , in the work I did in the , which led to the production of the report , and the many , many people I talked to , some of whom I , I see around the table , I found on the one hand , ample evidence throughout the county authorities , the health authority , the district councils , and the voluntary sector , of much evidence of recognition of improved collaboration between agencies in delivery of community care in Shropshire .
16 But I will trust you , because there are few with whom I can talk as I can talk to you .
17 It seems that in addition to a large number of pernicious anaemia patients with stable nodular hyperplasia of fundic endocrine cells , there are patients in whom the hyperplastic change may progress to carcinoid tumours and some in whom it regresses .
18 Their group comprises Marseille , CSKA Moscow and Bruges , each of whom they will play on a home and away basis .
19 Marje says in the book that her life was split between her husband and Levy , both now dead , each of whom she claims were entirely faithful to her .
20 Bleek has two girlfriends ( Joie Lee and Cinda Williams ) , each of whom he betrays with the other as a matter of course .
21 ‘ Therefore , ’ said Milton , ‘ since there appear to be only five possibles — all of whom we have decided are improbables — we 're going to have to work quite hard .
22 He was arrested and after a trial before the Tribunal , all of whom he knew well , he was sentenced to a year in Peterhead Gaol .
23 As a behind-the-scenes view of an artist 's life it makes an interesting comparison with other recent artists ' lives — Rodin , John , Modigliani and Picasso — all of whom he knew .
24 His will ( 3 October 1425 ) is an attractive snapshot of an old man at peace in a little world of cathedral , household , and staff , for all of whom he made careful provision in a modest , surprisingly austere account .
25 Neither during his lifetime nor subsequently did Sisley 's paintings achieve the popularity of those of Monet , Renoir , or even Camille Pissarro , with all of whom he helped to forge the Impressionist style .
26 Here Revelstoke was in his element ; acute intelligence and charm , capacity for meticulous work , presence and eloquence , fluency in French and Spanish , and , above all , financial acumen made him a match for the wiliest of South American presidents , North American railway barons , European finance ministers , and the members of the British cabinet with all of whom he had to deal at one time or another .
27 When Ras Tafari had paid his State Visit to London in 1924 he had brought with him several important chiefs , among them Ras Hailu of Gojjam and Ras Seyum of Tigre , the grandson of the Emperor John , all of whom he suspected might make trouble if he left them behind .
28 There were many others , not mathematicians or academic linguists , whose function I did not know ( and not all of whom I met in what was by then a large organisation ) , who became celebrated in later life .
29 As Robin said to me later , ‘ suddenly to walk in and to see a sea of faces , all of whom I knew well , was the most tremendously stirring moment .
30 But desirable though all this was , it never detracted from Verity Lambert 's basic belief that the underlying strength of the series lay in its four principal artists , all of whom she thought developed the most realistic inter-relationships ever forged in a science fiction series , spearheaded , of course , by William Hartnell 's magnetic interpretation of the Doctor .
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